Sunday 1 July 2018

Wait, This Is A Bad Thing...?

...I mean, we don't want them breeding, surely?


  1. I have been meaning to write to my MP about this recent craze of bicyclists riding 2 abreast on main roads. Did they not do the cycling proficiency test at school? Were they not taught that you never ride two abreast, because it is dangerous? Is it not still 'prohibited' by the Highway Code?
    Even more puzzling, as the majority of such doublebreasted kamikaze wire-donkey jockeys seem to be 30+ aged men and women, surely all are car drivers themselves?

    Like I said, I was just filling my pen with green ink when I suddenly realized that a few lyric clad idiots less in the world is probably not such a bad thing....Hell, ride 3 abreast....

  2. Mail headline: take with large pinch of salt. It seems professional cyclists, who spend most of their working lives in lycra have no trouble impregnating their significant others. Maybe more research is needed.

    As for Jack Ketch's assertion that riding two abreast is "prohibited" by the Highway Code, maybe he should read it again. Rule 66 is the one he wants.

  3. Too late, I already have Julia. But I only have one daughter and she never learned to ride a bike.


  4. @Frank it was as much a question (if you read it again) as an assertion and I put the 'prohibited' in speechmarks because the dear old HC is a bit of a bugger for wording (Rule 66 is a classic example) However it does also make clear that on busy roads riders are advised to ride single file, which should be common sense and an ingrained sense of self preservation but apparently not. Although, that said, I drive mainly in Norfolk; where you are perhaps overtaking cars leave more than a gnats gonad's distance between them and the lycra-cized (yes I see I spelt it wrong in my last comments)?

  5. @Jack

    I've read it again. You said "Were they not taught that you never ride two abreast, because it is dangerous? Is it not still 'prohibited' by the Highway Code?"
    As far as I know, it's never been "prohibited" by the Highway Code.
    As for drivers passing bikes too closely, that happens whether the cyclists are riding two abreast or in single file. Occasionally, it happens to me and I usually ride alone. It may be that drivers pass more closely when they think cyclists are taking up too much of the road.
    Maybe I should turn your question around: Were drivers not taught that cyclists are allowed to ride two abreast as stated in the Highway Code? Do drivers need more education?

  6. It may be that drivers pass more closely when they think cyclists are taking up too much of the road.- Frank

    I seriously doubt some drivers think at all when overtaking bicycles, not judging by the scenes i witness. Their Leitmotif seems to be 'if there is a gap, no matter how small nor how much the oncoming traffic will have to drive up the verge....'

    Do drivers need more education? -Frank Judging by my own assumption (that it was 'prohibted' by the HC) undoubtedly yes, or rather less 'theory' and more education especially in regard to bicycle riders and horse riders (neither of which lobby I have the misfortune to belong to).

    After you suggested I re-read 66 ,I also went and read through some of the cycling webpages/blogs and newspapers articles (seems to crop up a lot in local papers) on this very topic. Two things appear clear, a lot of drivers think that 2abreast is 'illegal' and a number of cyclistas seem to think despite the recommendation/warning of the HC that it is safer to ride 2abreast on busy roads-- a 'logic' I cannot fathom even leaving aside the Norfolk (& I suspect elsewhere) driver's passion for passing so close the long ester polymers of lycra and lack merge at an atomic level; Surely sheer common sense would tell one that the closer you are to oncoming traffic..

    On other point of interest was that the Police can deem 2abreasters 'illegal' if it is felt they are causing obstruction.

  7. "Even more puzzling, as the majority of such doublebreasted kamikaze wire-donkey jockeys seem to be 30+ aged men and women, surely all are car drivers themselves?"

    You can only imagine the sort of careful and considerate drivers they must be, eh?

    "Mail headline: take with large pinch of salt."

    An entire mine of it. The sort two-abreast Lycra twats should be made to work in for five years.

    "... which should be common sense and an ingrained sense of self preservation but apparently not...."

    In far too many cases, neither survives the donning of the Lycra.

    "...the Police can deem 2abreasters 'illegal' if it is felt they are causing obstruction. "

    Probably, but there's more chance of them arresting travellers!
