Thursday 16 August 2018

Man Does Job, News At Eleven…

Rick Lamb was travelling on the 433 last week when he says a ticket inspector got on, fined a young girl and "forced" her off the bus.
Errr yes. And?
"This was despite her producing a valid (albeit low quality) child's Oyster Card," Mr Lamb said.
"Despite two other passengers offering to pay for the girl who was visibly extremely upset, the inspector angrily dismissed their grievances and threatened to call the police on the two passengers who were simply trying to help, also claiming that he would call the police if the girl in question would not leave the bus."
 That's what he's supposed to do.
But TfL’s director of compliance, policing and on-street services, Steve Burton, said the inspector was well within his rights as her card was not valid.
 Wow! Isn't it refreshing to see a company backing their employee for once? I wonder why...?

But she wasn't the only person who the inspector had his sights set on that day. Mr Lamb himself was issued with a penalty fare for producing, what TfL deemed an invalid 'gold card'.
No wonder he was backing the fare evader!
"All drivers had approved the travel card for two and half months and suddenly I'm fined under the guise that 'oh, the drivers don't look hard enough, it is invalid' and 'I'm just following orders'," he said.
Yes, Nazi Germany was terrible, they wouldn't let you get away with fare evasion, eh, Rick?


  1. This outrage at people doing their job which is necessary to deter free riders and create a norm of paying your way and following the rules which is absolutely necessary for a society to function, is often made by very middle class people who are far away from the front lines of crime and unpleasantness that non-rule enforcement brings.

    I had an experience on a train when a well know homeless guy who says the same poem every time, gets angry and starts insulting the passengers for ignoring him and not giving money.

    Some brightspark who doesnt take this line often enough to know who the guy is gave him some money, the homeless bloke then said 'Oh I dont know why people arent even paying attention to me?'

    The other guy then agrees with him repetedly saying 'I dont know mate, good luck to you'. Which then stired up the homeless guy to come back down the carriage and further berate us for a few minutes, missing the chance to do his lame pitch to the other carriage, he realised he had to get off and swore at the missed chance.

    I see it all the time. Rules are important for civilised society depends on them!

  2. "This outrage at people doing their job which is necessary to deter free riders and create a norm of paying your way and following the rules which is absolutely necessary for a society to function, is often made by very middle class people who are far away from the front lines of crime and unpleasantness that non-rule enforcement brings."

    Indeed! Or in this case, another wrong 'un!

    "Rules are important for civilised society depends on them!"

    We are, without a doubt, becoming less and less civilised.
