Monday 20 August 2018

The Progressives Won. This Is The Result.

Two male suspects were stopped driving by three plain-clothed police in Romford, London at 4.30pm yesterday.
As police went to speak to the men, they got out their vehicle and a struggle broke.
A female officer suffered a broken bone in her right hand, while a male officer has ligament damage to his hand which now requires surgery.
Do watch the video. The useless female officer waving an ASP around ineffectually, unable to restrain a poodle. The male officers unable or unwilling to go hands on, probably for fear of what might happen.

This is the modern police service the progressives wanted. And like everything else the progressives wanted (and mostly got) it's not fit for purpose.

And the public know it.
A local office worker who witnessed the drama said yesterday: 'The police told everyone to stand back while they were grappling with the guy but obviously didn't reckon on him being so strong.
'They managed to get him on the ground at first but he got to his feet swinging at the woman cop and carried on fighting after getting blasted in the face with pepper spray.
'I thought they'd managed to handcuff him after he was beaten with batons and forced into his car but he somehow broke free and ran for it.'
How embarrassing.
'He took on three police and won and a cheer went up when he got away because it looked so comical.'
Why did no-one assist, even when it was clear that the police couldn't cope?
'It's not a particularly rough (sic) around here but no one felt obliged to help the police out when they warned everyone to stand clear when it started.
I expect no-one else felt like exposing themselves to the inevitable immediate turnaround they could have exposed themselves to. And who can blame them?

Plus, the police have done themselves no favours in recent years, as Tim Newman points out, with demands on the public to fund them to tackle crime, which the bemused public them finds is going to fund hopeless cases and fripperies.


  1. Perhaps a little unfair on the police officers themselves. I'm sure the 3 of them could have stuffed and cuffed the guy had they been allowed to. Or are you suggesting the officers should have hit the suspect hard enough to put him on the ground -because one whack, however weak the girly copper was ,with that ASP across his adams apple/throat and he would have gone down.I absolutely guarantee it. A black suspect? Paging Mr .Duggan. THAT's the problem...the 'rules' the progressives insist the police play to, not the actual officers' abilities on the front line.

  2. " however weak the girly copper was ,with that ASP across his adams apple/throat and he would have gone down.I absolutely guarantee it."

    Probably, but then the officer would need a good enough aim to do it while the perp is having no problems in swinging her mates around like a hammer toss. All she managed to do was get in the way. At one point in the video it looks like she even struck one of her colleagues. Even if they were 'allowed to' I don't believe for a second that those cops had a snowball's chance in hell of bringing that guy down.

  3. @Ripper, the example of a throat asping was, of course, an ad absurdum. Thankfully we do yet live in country where the police are allowed to use such methods. The point I was making was the same as the coppers/ex coppers here have made many time, namely: If a suspect doesn't want to be restrained then it is almost impossible to do so, no matter how many officers are there, without doing them serious damage.
    I don't know what guidance the police are issued regarding ASP use but I expect they are only allowed to strike the limbs. Shots to the head, face and throat are all potentially lethal.

    Oh btw, having trained with an ASP ,I can tell you that if that female copper is capable of swatting a fly at home then that's all the aiming ability she needs for a throat shot.

  4. Completely off-topic but here's an interesting story from my day that you lot will appreciate.

    I arrested a druggy shoplifter today who had an Australian accent. I asked him where he was from and he said that he was born in the UK but his parents emigrated with him down under when he was three and they all took citizenship. I asked him when and why he came back here.
    He said "about two years ago because I was deported"!!!.
    He had a serious criminal record in Australia and despite being a citizen since the age of three they kicked him out! He had stabbed someone.

    I had two thoughts. Firstly good for the Aussies getting rid of their scum even though the criminal had an Aussie passport.
    Secondly the irony of Australia sending criminals to England was not lost on me.
    In the two years since coming "home" this vermin has amassed 62 convictions.

    I actually arrested him 60 minutes after he'd been bailed from the police station to trying to snatch cash out of the till of a Chinese restaurant the night before.

    Where can we send him?


  5. Where can we send him?

    To night classes for French....after reminding him that if he moves to France now whilst he is still an EU citizen then the chances are that,after BrexSShite, his record will not follow him ...government IT systems and Politicians being what they are.

  6. Campaign needed:

    Film in landscape on phone - simple 90 degree rotation.

  7. Was criticised in court by the (legal aid funded) defence brief for using my car fire extinguisher to subdue a violent druggie who had shaken off the effects of a taser. Spraying him in the face so he couldn't see, and then whacking him across the knees with it to put him down allowed my colleague to handcuff him. Apparently, despite the 'no rules' violence used by crims, I was only supposed to use Home Office approved restraining holds. My comment that perhaps the brief had watched too many episodes of Dixon of Dock Green during his training, brought a reprimand from the magistrate, although he did it with a smile on his face. I continued to offer violent crims the same level of 'courtesy' they offered to me, even putting down a would be ninja with a rice flail by using a garden spade - Spear and Jackson of course, as it was a posh area.
    Glad I'm out of it now, though.

  8. If you read police blogs and social media accounts from the USA/Canada you will see 'de-policing' or FIDO (F**k it, drive on mentioned). The US experience arose after Ferguson when police decided that proactive work just wasn't worth it any more. Officers are wary of becoming the next you tube sensation or having their careers dragged through the mud by an egregious media.
    As a member of the public I am worried by the accounts of long/mid service officers. This has gone beyond the 'healthy churn' that was promoted and the loss of experience is reaching critical point, still the ever excellent G4S will step up ands deliver a quality product.
    For the info of Jack Ketch, unless it has changed the general guidelines regarding baton strikes was that were green, yellow and red zones. The head is a red zone so you have to be damn sure you are justified before going for a head strike. I wonder how this incident might have played out in the USA or the rest of the world?

  9. The police's trouble is that however much they try to be PC and 'right on', the Left will always hate them, so when something goes wrong (a Duggan type scenario) the Left will still scream for blood, regardless of how many Pride marches have been attended, pictures have been taken with 'community organisers' and tweets made about the wonders of 'diversity'. Now in the old days the Establishment and broad mass of the public would have supported the police in such circumstances, against the political attacks, even when (lets be honest) they could well have been justified. The broad mass of the law abiding public used to know whose side the police were on, and it was theirs, and against the scum in society, and realised that the Left's opportunistic attacks had an ulterior motive - the destruction of law and order, and needed to be countered.

    But now, as the police have made it very clear they are no longer on the side of the law abiding public, and will make no distinction between (for example) a middle class householder and the multiple convicted career criminal trying to rob or assault him, the public turn their heads and stay silent when the police are taking a beating, either physical or political. Why defend a body that will happily do you for doing 33 in a 30 zone, but studiously ignore a bunch of violent pikeys destroying private property?

    The police used to be hated by the Left, and loved by the Right. They've managed to get themselves into a position where despite all their efforts the Left still hate them, and the Right do as well. Great job guys!

  10. Sobers - top class comment. With Common Purpose trained senior officers, it's difficult to see how things will change for the better.

  11. @Sobers


    Conservative party has done same with same result.

  12. "A black suspect? Paging Mr .Duggan. THAT's the problem..."

    It may be the problem, but the size (and sex) of the officers in the fight may also have a fair bit to do with it.

    "All she managed to do was get in the way. At one point in the video it looks like she even struck one of her colleagues."

    I think you're right! Still, it probably didn't hurt much...

    "Where can we send him?"

    Outer Mongolia? No, that's not fair on the Mongolians. How about outer space?

    "Campaign needed:

    Film in landscape on phone - simple 90 degree rotation."

    Oh, god yes! Seconded!

  13. "Was criticised in court by the (legal aid funded) defence brief for using my car fire extinguisher to subdue a violent druggie ..."

    Seems reasonable, since it's one of the first things a zoo will use on an animal introduction that goes wrong!

    " I wonder how this incident might have played out in the USA or the rest of the world?"


    "The police's trouble is that however much they try to be PC and 'right on', the Left will always hate them..."

    Good point! So why bother?

    "Why defend a body that will happily do you for doing 33 in a 30 zone, but studiously ignore a bunch of violent pikeys destroying private property? "

    Also a good point. They are their own worst enemy, aren't they?
