Tuesday 7 August 2018

This Is Why Brexit Is So Popular

Mark Sheward, defending, said his client accepted the conviction but was not responsible for everything that took place. He said the married father and long distance lorry driver was the main breadwinner for his family.
He added: “His main concern is what is going to happen to them. The people who will be punished if he goes to custody will be his wife and child.
And that's his fault. No-one else's.

And he's got a bit of a cheek playing the 'dedicated family man' card in this case anyway!
Mr Amarasinghe said it was Scapau who fetched others to join the attack on Mr Vulturu at the junction of Washington Street and Southfield Street in the Arboretum. Miss Simonesc described how the men made‘rude comments’ towards her in Romanian. She tried to ignore them but they persisted so she told them her boyfriend, Mr Vulturu, was ‘coming soon’.They told her they ‘didn’t care’, stood in her way, invaded her personal space and used foul language.
When her partner arrived they set upon him in a ‘savage’, ‘sustained’ and ‘unprovoked’ attack.
Mr Amarasinghe said: “It involves punching him, putting him to the floor. They jump on him, kick him whilst he’s on the ground. The witnesses said he was stamped on several times.
“Miss Simonesc lost count of the number of times he was hit. Mr Vulturu could hear her screaming.”
When Miss Simonesc intervened she was grabbed by one of the attackers, not Scapau, and pulled away, sworn at and warned she too would be beaten up.
Yes, clearly his family is uppermost in his mind...
Judge Nicholas Cole said: “Those who kick people on the ground and stamp on their head must understand that very serious injuries can often arise.”
He told Scapau he had played a leading role in a group attack. However, he balanced this against the defendant’s lack of previous convictions and accepted the submission that the attack was ‘out of character’.
He sentenced him to 18 months in prison, suspended for 18 months, ordered him to complete 200 hours of unpaid work and pay £1,000 compensation to Mr Vulturu.
We have enough worthless scum in this country, don't we? Why on earth are we forced to give free movement to those in Europe too?

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