Thursday 9 August 2018

Well, There's Your Problem Then....'s not your job to 'serve communities', but to uphold the law.
This evening the force said its Tweet was supposed to encourage impartial behaviour and encourage 'both sides of the discussion'.
There's no 'two sides' here, anymore than there's two sides to a burglary, or a case of shoplifting. As Longrider points out, there's clear evidence of criminal damage.
Debbie Davidson said: 'Just witnessed kids throwing beer bottles over the fence by the children's play area. Laughing as they smashed on the pavement and against cars parked along the road there.'
Malin Andersson said: 'I saw a child behind the wheel this morning, driving around the park.'
Another went on: 'At 9.30pm there were at least three vehicles driving at speed around the park with kids behind the wheel, also quad bikes zooming around. Combined with the bottle smashing I am feeling very unhappy.
'The police cannot do anything. Spoke with an officer tonight over water mains now being accessed by them. The park is becoming a bog land and area ruined by all the drifting of vehicles. All everyone can do is contact Elmbridge (council) with all that is witnessed.'
The police are useless. There's no will to tackle open criminality in traveller encampments, so this will continue until the powder keg explodes.


  1. Taking another 'sickie' or getting off your fat lardy ass to deal with it, WPC Jaded?

  2. "Just witnessed kids throwing beer bottles over the fence by the children's play area. Laughing as they smashed on the pavement and against cars parked along the road there." - Criminal damage.
    "I saw a child behind the wheel this morning, driving around the park." and "At 9.30pm there were at least three vehicles driving at speed around the park with kids behind the wheel, also quad bikes zooming around." - driving other than on a road and criminal damage (to the grounds).
    "..water mains now being accessed by them. The park is becoming a bog land and area ruined by all the drifting of vehicles." - theft (of water), driving other than on a road, and criminal damage (to the grounds).
    In each of the above examples, there is enough evidence to arrest someone. There is enough evidence to seize vehicles. There is enough evidence to either charge the little sh*ts or take them away from their parents pending social service investigations into child neglect and lack of duty of care.
    Yet no one does anything. Why? Because these people are a protected species, a bit like badgers and other vermin which spreads disease and adversley affects other's livelihoods.
    They are also aware that, in the UK, trespass is a civil offence, unlike where they come from. Try and trespass on their property in Ireland and the Garda will have you by the scruff of your neck before you can say "Sunday Uprising".
    Perhaps if enough people pressured their MPs to discuss trespass becoming a criminal offence, incidents like this may stop or, if they do occur, the local Police will have the power to actually do something.
    Slightly off topic, I wonder how many people in this extremely wealthy area promoted the open borders policy regarding the non-intergrating Syrian and north African so called refugees - I know of at least 4 families from there who have publicly protested against controlling the numbers allowed in. It would be funny if they were also amiong those protesting at the actions of the non-integrating travellers.

  3. There seem to have been way more traveller incursions this year than before. This from the local rag is a running log of incursions in Surrey: Note the comments from the Surrey PCC at 16.40 The PCC is a Conservative Party placeman who no doubt thought he was in for an easy life.
    Why are the incursions on the rise? Ireland enacted Section 24 of The Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions Act) 2002. I suggest you read it, it provides the Garda with the powers to remove unauthorised travellers camps very quickly on private and public land. The Garda enforce it AND are backed up by their politicians so the travellers moved over here or went back to Rathkeale. Over here? Don't hold your breath. The Conservative Party were muttering about introducing such an act back in 2010. Since then....tumbleweed.
    At the moment it's like playing whack-a-mole. Move them from one place, they go somewhere else. We had a series of incursions near where I live few years ago and we now have some earthworks in the area.
    These people know exactly how far they can go. That's why councils have to go to court and get orders, these people will fight it in the courts and they do have access to legal advice. If it's on private land then unless the landowner does something it's a civil matter.For all those who say arrest them, put their children into care etc. Good look with that don't think it wasn't tried in the past.
    This problem will go on and on and while government can pass the buck it will do so. It's beyond the power of one agency to solve. Seizing vehicles etc as provided by the Irish act would be a fine weapon but it's not zero cost to the taxpayer. You'd need a large and very secure yard plus you'd have to find a contractor willing to deal. You can fantasise all you like about bulldozers etc ( I know I have) but a solution will not be available until the law is changed.

  4. I don't work for Surrey police Melvin....remind me who you work for again.

  5. Elmbridge, Elmbridge? Now where have I heard that before. Oh yes I know in connection with the virtue signalling refugees welcome types who were agitating for the entry of military age Muslim males of the sort that ended up nearly killing people at Parson's Green. It seems that virtue signalling left wingers are not only present in the local council and in the local churches, they are in the police force as well.

  6. Elmbridge may well have a lot of very rich people living there but it also has a lot of semi-domesticated travelling folk living there and not a few dodgy council estates. It also had one of the worst pubs I ever had to deal with- 'The New Streets of London" at Hampton Court.

  7. "In each of the above examples, there is enough evidence to arrest someone."

    Someone not of a 'protected class', yes. I'm sure I'd be arrested. When did 'the law that all must obey' have caveats?

    " It would be funny if they were also amiong those protesting at the actions of the non-integrating travellers."

    They almost certainly will be. These people lack common sense.

    "There seem to have been way more traveller incursions this year than before. "

    Yes, of course there are. It will increase exponentially while no-one does anything about it. And no-one seems to want to. It's a recipe for disaster. Sooner or later, they'll push their luck and try a Muslim area. Then I'll need a lot more popcorn!

  8. "Elmbridge, Elmbridge? Now where have I heard that before. Oh yes I know in connection with the virtue signalling refugees welcome types..."

    There is a certain amount of schadenfreude, isn't there?

    " It also had one of the worst pubs I ever had to deal with- 'The New Streets of London" at Hampton Court."

    Interesting! The pubs usually shut when the travellers hove into view. I wonder if this one did?

  9. 'The New Streets of London' achieved unrelenting awfulness without visiting travellers. As I said there was a large proportion of semi-domesticated travellers in the area, one generation or so removed from caravan dwelling. TBH the then mix of bikers, semi travellers and general weirdos would put anyone off. It's The pub is long gone and the area is gentrified. There were quite a few dodgy areas the other side of the river in leafy Hampton with similar types.
    If I really wanted fun a traveller incursion into a Turkish area would be comedy gold.
