Friday 21 September 2018

Copperin' - Yr Doin' It Wrong!

PC Sarinda Welsh, who was attached to the Bexley Borough, was accused of conduct that breached the standards of professional behaviour relating to "authority, respect and courtesy."
She was also accused of "discreditable conduct" at the hearing held on Wednesday, August 29.
What sort of offences did this no doubt diversity hire commit?
On Wednesday, August 15, Welsh was sentenced to a 12 month community order after pleading guilty to two counts of assault and malicious communications.
Tut tut! Beating up arrestees?

Errr, no.
... other officers...
She committed the offences during an incident on Tuesday, January 9, while off-duty.
As well as the community order, Welsh has been advised to attend alcohol dependency meetings and ordered to pay a total of £385.
Got pissed and got handy when her colleagues turned up, eh?


  1. *wonders why the NS ran the story with a photo of a white male policeman? Or is dear sweet Sarinda more ...uhm ...diverse than we think?

  2. One of WC Jaded's chums, I wager.

  3. Oh good he's back on day release.
    Shouldn't stereo-type Melvin. Just because she does the same job as me doesn't automatically mean she's my "chum". I don't assume every mentally ill half-wit from Yorkshire is your mate.

  4. "Or is dear sweet Sarinda more ...uhm ...diverse than we think?"


    "Just because she does the same job as me doesn't automatically mean she's my "chum"."

    And yet 'closing ranks' seems to be the first actions in any story like this, so it's heartening to see it didn't work this time.
