Wednesday 5 September 2018

He Used To Be A Werewolf...

...but he's all right naaa-ooooowwwwwwwww!
A remand prisoner due to be sentenced for assaults arrived at court barking and growling like a dog.
Sheridan Clarke denied taking a psycho-active substance at HMP Bristol.
But while in a holding cell at Bristol Crown Court he exhibited strange behaviour, hit his head against a wall and knocked himself out.
Paramedics called to the scene declared him unfit to appear in court and he was taken to Bristol Royal Infirmary for checks.
Naturally, the idea that he'd taken drugs was beyond the pale!
Miss McAnaw said her client had denied taking anything and was upset by the suggestion.
Paramedics said it was too difficult to tell whether Clarke had taken any substances.
Miss McAnaw raised the possibility her client had been the victim of a spiking.
Yes. Yes, I'm sure that's what happened.

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