Saturday 1 September 2018

It's Not 'Poverty' That's Being Pitilessly Exposed...'s incompetent parenting:
For around 13 weeks of the year when school is out, free meals are over – and family poverty across Britain is pitilessly exposed.
Really? Well, let's see.
Here, in the , up to 3 million children spend their school holidays at risk of not getting enough food, according to an investigation by a cross-party group of MPs and peers.
Their report, published last summer, contains testimony of a child vomiting “because their diet consisted entirely of crisps”, as well as a group of kids dropping out of a football tournament “as they had not eaten a meal” for days beforehand. “Their bodies simply gave up on them.”
Anecdotes. And pretty implausible ones too.

But this is part of a 'Guardian' article on a new initiative, to try to alleviate the terrible effects of Tory 'austerity'. And it's got its work cut out for it!
Inside the dining hall were low tables and toy chairs and boys tentatively forking through their Chinese chicken and rice.
“You have to mix the offer or you’ve got no chance,” said Davison. “We hand-make fish fingers sometimes and some parents will say, ‘Don’t give them that healthy crap, give them Bird’s Eye.’
If I turned up with spinach and quinoa they’d tell me to stop feeding their kids shite.”
This is not the effect of austerity. It's the effect of allowing people to breed children they cannot care for, or will not care for.
Jan, a supervisor at the playcentre, came over. She had something else to get off her chest.
“Children should not be victims of austerity, should they? Because they don’t have a vote, they’re relying on us. So the fact there’s a shortage of food, it’s up to us adults to sort it out.
It's not up to this adult. I can't do anything about the taxes I am forced to pay to support the feckless, and the offspring of the feckless, but I can ensure everyone knows the truth. I can counter the relentless tide of poverty propaganda.

And I will. 


  1. So the fact there’s a shortage of food, it’s up to us adults to sort it out.”

    Absolute and utter sauteed dingo's kidneys! Or 'tripe' or 'bollocks', whichever food based euphemism you prefer.Maybe after BrexSShite there will be a shortage of some food stuffs, although I doubt it. The Adults (well thats' what they claim) did sort it out. There are Food Banks everywhere now and everyone on benefits gets more than enough to feed & clothe their kids. FACT! Countless thousands on bennys (and that includes Tax Credits) prove that daily.

  2. "The Adults (well thats' what they claim) did sort it out. There are Food Banks everywhere now and everyone on benefits gets more than enough to feed & clothe their kids."

    Well, quite! But if you repeat something often enough...
