Friday 7 September 2018

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, VirtueSignallers...

Groups of homeless people, who reportedly do not speak English, are pitching up in North Road Cemetery, Westcliff.
It has been an on going issue and now residents are calling on the council to deal with the problem.
That's like calling on King Canute to come and solve your flood problem....
The Echo contacted Harp homeless charity for a comment.
Gosh, it's almost as if these beggars know there's an organisation dedicated to helping them stay in the Southend area, isn't it?
A Southend Council spokesman, said: “We are aware of ongoing issues at North Road burial ground, including rough sleeping and incidents of anti-social behaviour. We have been attempting to take a balanced approach to what is a difficult and complex situation.”
Well, there's your problem, then. There's no need for 'balance' and it isn't 'complex'.
“Along with serving a notice to quit to a group earlier this summer with the support of the police, various council staff members have also been attempting to engage with the rough sleepers and connect them to the many support services available locally.
Further outreach work continues to be carried out to try and connect those rough sleeping with services.
“We will continue to monitor the situation. We are also aware of littering and fly-tipping at this site and this is being dealt with by the relevant teams.”
Naturally, this brings out the bleeding hearts:



  1. "That's like calling on King Canute to come and solve your flood problem"

    I certainly get your meaning, but to be fair to old Cnut he gets a bad press. He was actually a wise and modest man who was demonstrating to his idiot courtiers that holding back the tide by whim was a pretty silly idea. Like an early version of Kipling and "The Gods of the Copybook Headings" :)

  2. Never trust anyone who doesn't live next door to their opinions.

  3. "...but to be fair to old Cnut he gets a bad press. "

    He does, but I couldn't think of a better simile!

    "Never trust anyone who doesn't live next door to their opinions."

    Wise advice!
