Tuesday 25 September 2018

Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

A total of 31 ewes were killed on Telscombe Tye between January and November last year. And about 50 lambs were also lost.
Now Lewes District Council is looking at bringing in new rules to protect the livestock from being scared, injured or killed by dogs.
Why do we need new rules?
A report for councillors says: “Loss of ewes and lambs can have a major financial and emotional effect on all concerned.
“The cost of replacing livestock is borne by the town council but ultimately from public funds (Ed: Hmmm). The sight of a dog attack, at the time of the incident and its aftermath, can be very distressing for the farmer and anyone using the Tye.”
The report says the underlying cause of sheep worrying is the failure to keep dogs on leads, which it says is a persistent problem on the Tye.
Hang on, the taxpayer's paying?
The consultation will ask key groups for their opinions, while an online survey will be available for the public.
Well, going by the comment thread, that'll be a revelation!

*gets popcorn*


  1. I wonder if Penny Wight's bad spell of wether was deliberate. It is, after all, a story about sheep so the herd could have included some castrated rams.

  2. You can always rely on the local council/ local newspaper team to produce some woolly thinking.

  3. "It is, after all, a story about sheep so the herd could have included some castrated rams."


    "You can always rely on the local council/ local newspaper team to produce some woolly thinking."

    And to get schooled in the comments section in a nanosecond! No wonder they are thinking of phasing them out.
