Wednesday 17 October 2018

You Will Be Lectured, Even If You Aren't Doing Anything To Deserve It!

The Essex Police Castle Point and Rochford Team went to Kingston Primary School, Thundersley for the event. The team worked with the school children educating drivers who found (sic) to be speeding outside the school.
During the event 29 vehicles in total were stopped, six for not wearing a seatbelt and two for obstructing police.
So, some people got a bit shirty when being stopped to be lectured by the little 'uns, did they?

Well, no. Actually, they didn't.

Commenters attempted to help PC Risden with his faulty logic, but he wasn't having any of it:

Translation: "How can we stand there in our uniform and hector them in front of the awed kiddiewinks if they obey the speed law, the rotten spoilsports!"


  1. Normally at the times children are going into or coming out of the local schools, it is impossible to speed past due to the congestion caused by parents parking and double parking whilst waiting to pick up their little darlings who haven't got the stamina to walk half a mile or so to school. Add to this the fact that cars are parked all along one side of the road even the humps and the 20mph signs are pointless except perhaps for a few hours during the night.
    If they wanted to improve safety locally, the best thing the police could do is to book a few parents for various parking offences.

  2. The worst of such 'educatid' Arschlöcher will find support somewhere. Nicht wahr, WC Jaded?

  3. Say what you like about paedophiles but at least they slow down when driving past schools.

  4. "Normally at the times children are going into or coming out of the local schools, it is impossible to speed past due to the congestion caused by parents parking and double parking ..."

    I'd be lucky to get up to walking pace near mine! And then there's the fact modern kids have little to no road sense.

    "Say what you like about paedophiles but at least they slow down when driving past schools."

