Saturday 24 November 2018

"How Does The Defendant Plead?"

"Woof! Woof! Grrrr!"
A policeman whose dog injured a member of the public has been charged with racially aggravated wounding.
Paul Birch, a West Midlands Police constable, is accused of unlawfully and maliciously causing grievous bodily harm to a man with a group of travellers. It follows an incident at the site of the former North Worcestershire Golf Course in Northfield, Birmingham, in September last year.
The injured man was taken to hospital after being bitten by the animal, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said.
That'll be an incident resulting from this, no doubt. The initial complaint was for one of theft.
Officers were engaging with a group of people on the site when a police dog seized a man by the leg.
Unbidden by the handler? Or directed by him? Hmmmm. This is going to be a very interesting one....

H/T: InspectorGadget via Twitter


  1. The filth use the flimsiest of reasons to intimidate and effectively punish people as they see fit - arrest them for burning a cardboard box in their back yard, for example.

    Perhaps it is time to give them a dose of their own medicine.

  2. I hope the poor mutt is up to date with his jabs.

  3. During the 30's and 40's, the SS took great pleasure in criminally drubbing and punishing ghetto Jews, with powerful dogs. The latter were trained to viciously attack and mercilessly bite and rip at human flesh. Plod mimicry of this bestiality has long been ignored as have the obvious moral and ethical issues, which are swept under the carpet of a scorned public 'service'. Plod has earned a reputation on par with Gestapo for abuse on Huddersfield housing estates. Young people are often frightened, injured and maimed by the abominable practice and respond towards the Filth with reciprocal contempt and hatred. Such kids only have to be the victim of police brutality once, to acquire a loathing to last a lifetime.

    Elsewhere, innocent (often aged) citizens have occasionally met a painful and undignified end in the death grip of an hellacious creature, supposedly 'under the control' of a criminally negligent handler.

    A rotten Establishment will no more care for the victims of Plod abuse than it will care for Plod themselves...who are probably destined to be slaughtered in some future coordinated retribution, in significant numbers. Indeed, the latter event is the political prerequisite for meaningful law enforcement reform.

  4. Full moon tonight in Huddersfield. ?

  5. For quite a few years now, certainly when I was in the job, pik, sorry, travellers, trained their dogs to bite anyone wearing black trousers or, at least, urinate on the legs. Of course, they would claim innocence. In this more recent case, the pik, sorry, traveller, would take every opportunity to claim victimized and the thought of getting a couple of grand in compensation will increase his standing no end among the caravan utilising nomadic travellers. Still, it's a shame the dog didn't go for his throat!

  6. Northfield Birmingham and gypos. I used to live but a stone's throw from this 'salty' burb. The problem is, it is often difficult to tell the difference between the itinerants and the native folk. I say, unleash a thousand hell hounds and let natural justice prevail. I hear tell that 'gypo meat' tastes a bit like pork.

  7. Albeit ever a brief experience, I am always filled with wonder when I scan comments leaking from the minds of WC Jaded and constable Penise.

    I wonder if police canteen tea is laced with a mandatory government addition of phencyclidine and meprobamate.

  8. The topics raised in this blog are almost entirely plagiarised and cheaply pasted. The critiques of police misconduct and farce, which have interested me, attract poor attendance because the original thoughts arose elsewhere.

    More recently, JuliaM, you have tried to deflect inevitable police animosity from yourself and focus it onto yours truly, with comments like "I guess every blog has to have one...if you wish a comment of his removed, drop me an email."

    If you could bring a few whisps of genuine artistry to your blog; thus creating a decent following to the extent that you are filled with your own self importance, I might consider contributing to it again.

    I wish that an au revoir could mean something and in like manner, that the years of responding to your plagiarism and the messy shoulder rubbing with police dullards, had been worthwhile.

  9. Please please don't go Melvin........decent people realise that my job is near impossible with carping from the sidelines by self-proclaimed experts like you second-guessing everything we do.
    Oh go on then, get flouncing.

  10. Was that the final final episode of Dallas?

  11. "Perhaps it is time to give them a dose of their own medicine."

    It is rather 'hoist by their own petard' time, isn't it>?

    "I hope the poor mutt is up to date with his jabs."

    They should be trained to go for the throat, as Penseivat says!

    "Elsewhere, innocent (often aged) citizens have occasionally met a painful and undignified end in the death grip of an hellacious creature..."

    I can only recall one such incident. Do you know of more?

    "I say, unleash a thousand hell hounds and let natural justice prevail."

    Given their well-known predilection for 'dags', the more ferocious the better, it is indeed a case of the biter bit!

    "I wish that an au revoir could mean something and in like manner, that the years of responding to your plagiarism and the messy shoulder rubbing with police dullards, had been worthwhile."

    Bye Melv. Don't hurry back.
