Wednesday 14 November 2018

Not Falling For It Any More...

A taxi driver refused to take a blind man's guide dog in his car - but blamed it on his asthma.
But surely if this is genuine you can get an exemption?
But he was ordered to pay a fine after Kirklees magistrates heard that he did not possess a medical exemption certificate.
Ah. Must have slipped his mind?
Cabbie Mohammed Sattar, who works for Skelmanthorpe Cars, told the man that he was allergic to dogs when he came to collect him on April 5.
*rolls eyes*
Sattar, of Moorside Avenue in Crosland Moor , was investigated and provided a letter from his GP saying that he suffered from asthma and this was exacerbated by dog and cat hairs.
As a result, the doctor said, he was unable to carry such animals however Mr Hanif said that the fact that the driver was unable to transport them was not the issue.
He explained that all private hire taxi drivers are required to take a course which includes dealing with difficult customers and different scenarios. Mr Hanif said:
“Within that training course it is explained that if you have such issues you have to apply for an exemption certificate.”
 And if you're too dim to grasp that, perhaps some other line of work would suit you better?


  1. I wonder if the GP was another adherent of the RoP?

  2. Say, I wonder if that GP was called Smith, Soloman or Singh?

    In a functional country people would investigate cases of CIDs (Court Induced Disorders).

  3. Huddersfield taxi drivers (of no particular description) are not dim, JuliaM.

    A great deal of guile (applied to a number of bad purposes) places them among our top earners. They often have more than one identity and thrive within the stolen car economy. Their natural cunning helps them capitalise on benefits or tax exemption. Their vehicles are run on the waste oils from 'family' takeway businesses. These obnoxious discharges pollute the air with white and grey exhaust plumes, reminiscent of a bygone locomotive age.

    Cash is their King and the icing is to be found in prostitution and grooming ring services. These are two major concerns into which they are often caught investing their own tips.

  4. "I wonder if the GP was another adherent of the RoP?"

    I suspect so. Or just one used to writing a letter for whatever the patient wants, to get rid of them quicker.

    "In a functional country people would investigate cases of CIDs (Court Induced Disorders)."

    It's not like we don't have enough useless eaters in the public sector who could be more gainfully employed, is it?

    "They often have more than one identity and thrive within the stolen car economy. "

    Why, you make them sound like travellers, MTG....
