Monday 5 November 2018

Not Receiving Attention For The Right Reasons....

The deadly shooting of 20-year-old Eric Torell who had Down’s syndrome and autism in August has received great attention.
Because it's a case of 'OMG! The police shot a member of a Victim Group® (even though he appeared to be armed and disobeyed instructions but that doesn't matter because, hey, didn't we say Victim Group® loud enough?)!'. And not for the reason questions should be asked...
New information reveals that three officers fired 25 shots. Three of those hit Eric – one in the stomach and two in the back one of which was deadly.
25 shots fired, and 22 of them went elsewhere but at the target?! Who the hell teaches at their firing range, the North Yorkshire Police instructor..?

Or maybe the question should be, what sort of police officers are they recruiting?
Swedish police officers resign daily, too few apply to academy, entry requirements are lowered, certain groups accepted for quotas, while others are rejected despite passing tests.
Well, well, well....


  1. 'Who the hell teaches at their firing range, the North Yorkshire Police instructor..?'

    For premium safety, North Yorkshire Plod also commissioned that instructor with the suntan and dreadlocks, who makes unforgettable impressions by shooting himself while demonstrating safe gun handling.

    'Or maybe the question should be, what sort of police officers are they recruiting?'

    Educatid ones...una salus victis nullam sperare salutem.
