Wednesday 7 November 2018

When You're Shit Hot At Finding Offence...

...but pretty useless at finding evidence:

Still, it's not really your job any more, is it? Might as well let the media do that, as well.


  1. '...but pretty useless at finding evidence...'

    Map and two hands to find your own butt, Jaded?

  2. To be fair, the specialist search teams are apparently tied up searching the houses of the Grenfell Blasphemers.

    Seriously - what the hell are they looking for? Evidence that these guys were members of a secret underground Grenefell mocking group? A Stephen Lawrence glove puppet? What exactly?

    A vote of thanks to for our Sybil Libraryties groups, once again turning a blind eye to a blatant exercise in intimidation, combined with a fishing expedition.

  3. "To be fair, the specialist search teams are apparently tied up searching the houses of the Grenfell Blasphemers. "

    Indeed. Priorities!
