Saturday 3 November 2018

Why Are There No Adults In Charge?

The past: Man declares himself a woman, prison authorities are happy to believe him. The inevitable occurs.

But it's OK, everyone's entitled to make a mistake, right? It's important though, that 'lessons are learned'.

The present: Man declares himself a schoolchild, and....well, guess what?
Today the boy, who is claimed to have a bearded selfie on a now-deleted Facebook profile, has been pulled out of school after the headteacher referred him to the Home Office.
This has sparked an investigation by immigration officials who want to determine his age.
It's a bit late to start asking questions now, isn't it? Maybe we should investigate the ages of those in charge of policy. Maybe they are just claiming to be in their 40s and 50s, and they are really all 9 or 10?

But now their incompetence has been rumbled, let the 'Pass The Parcel Of Blame' game commence!
A statement from Stoke High School spokesman said: 'This is a matter for the Home Office. They are looking into this after we contacted them.
'The student is not attending the school at this time.
'We do not comment on individual cases but we have followed government and local authority policies and guidance, as we do for any asylum admissions matter.'
What's the point in 'following guidance' rather than relying on the evidence of your own eyes?
A Home Office statement said: 'We do not routinely comment on individual cases.'
If you did, maybe you'd have no time to make these errors...
A Suffolk Police spokesman said he did not believe its officers were involved in the case.
'Did not believe'? Are they, or aren't they? What sort of 'spokesman' are you?


  1. Why would Suffolk police be involved in placing a lying immigrant in a school?

  2. Is it possible that a foreigner looking for the best way to get on in a strange country thought that attending school would be a good idea?

  3. Suffolk Police - like stupid people, but more so.

  4. Suffolk police - like Jaded but more so.

  5. That you, Melvin?

  6. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. You might discover just how old it is.

  7. "Why would Suffolk police be involved in placing a lying immigrant in a school?"

    Not at all. But after one's been discovered getting into close proximity to children?

    "Never look a gift horse in the mouth. You might discover just how old it is."

    Dental examinations are supposed to be recommended by the Home Office. Who dropped the ball on this one?
