Wednesday 26 December 2018

Come Back, Gatwick Drones, All Is Forgiven!

On September 22, 2017, a dog landed in Gatwick on a flight from Casablanca Airport, Morocco.
When the animal arrived, checks showed that no blood test had been given to make sure the rabies vaccination had worked. The dog had also not received tapeworm treatment before returning to the UK.
On January 3, the airline then transported a dog within the cabin of the aircraft to Gatwick. When the Animal Reception Centre at the airport reviewed the pet’s travel documentation it showed that the correct checks had once again not taken place.
And I thought our status as a rabies-free country would be most threatened by the Tunnel....
Royal Air Maroc was fined £20,000 in relation to the landing on September 22, 2017. The airline was also ordered to pay £1,776.99 to West Sussex County Council for bringing the matter before the courts.
The airline was then fined £30,000 regarding the landing on January 3. It was ordered to pay £491 to the county council and the company has to pay a victim surcharge of £120.
It should have had its licence to operate in the UK removed. This is not something we should pussyfoot around with.