Monday 24 December 2018

Hey, Grenfell Fraudsters - Over Here!

In bed in west Wales, with a laptop propped up on the sheets, Jemima is patching up Britain’s welfare state.
Well, since, despite the best efforts of the likes of Frances Ryan to convince us, we don't have people starving in the streets, she must be doing a bang up job!

So who is this wonder woman?
The 39-year-old has never been elected or even been paid a wage – in fact, she’s more likely to give out her own money than receive it – but amid Brexit cabinet infighting, Jemima offers something few ministers can: she knows what it’s like to struggle to pay the bills.
Fine, fine. So...what does she do, exactly?
Jemima knows all too well that one of the worst parts of poverty is the shame of asking for help.
The Biscuit Fund turns this on its head: instead of people in need having to turn up to a charity, Jemima and volunteers scour the internet – anything from benefit forums to cries for help on Facebook – and come to them.
I bet she never has trouble finding any.


  1. "The 39-year-old has never been elected or even been paid a wage – in fact, she’s more likely to give out her own money than receive it"

    Which is it? She's never been paid a wage, or she gives out her own money.

    Because it highly unlikely to be both, unless she's a wealthy heiress...

    "...and is raising two children on her disability benefits..."

    Ah - she's neither getting a wage, nor wealthy, so she's not giving out 'her own' money. Clearly the safety net has turned into a lifestyle choice again if she has enough to support more than her family on 'her money.'

    Wonder where the two children's dad(s) are - there's a conspicuous absence of mention in there:

    "Jemima found herself skipping meals to feed her son and daughter."

  2. "The 39-year-old has never been elected or even been paid a wage – in fact, she’s more likely to give out her own money than receive it"

    If she's never been paid a wage then either she received a large inheritance - in which case she doesn't know what its like to struggle to pay the bills - or she's been on welfare her whole life - in which case she is not only not giving out 'her own money' but, by definition, has been receiving more money that she's given out.

    This is what you get when you 'make redundant' the sub-editors.

  3. "Wonder where the two children's dad(s) are - there's a conspicuous absence of mention in there..."

    There always is...

    "This is what you get when you 'make redundant' the sub-editors."

    And recruit new ones from the cheap but shallow end of the job market!
