Wednesday 5 December 2018

I Wonder What Would Happen If He Broke A Magistrate's Nose?

Remmi Kibera, 35, of Beaumont Court, Victoria Avenue, Southend, was drunk and arguing with his wife on September 22 when two police officers rushed to the scene to help.
Upon arrival, the officers were subjected to what magistrates called “a protracted violent incident” which involved being the targets of Kibera’s abusive and violent outburst.
Kibera physically assaulted the two police officers and broke one of their noses which left her needing surgery.
Let me guess, instead of sending male officers equipped to go hand to hand if a wifebeater got handy, they sent a couple of diversity hires.

Maybe the female PC I've seen around Southend who is shorter than me...? The outcome is hardly surprising.

Nor is this one:
Kibera appeared at Southend Magistrates’ Court, where he admitted all three counts and was sentenced to ten weeks in prison, but it was suspended for 12 months.
Chairman of the bench Wendy Black said the offence was serious enough to warrant a custodial penalty, but his guilty plea was taken into account when determining his sentence.
I suppose Wendy can take that chance. After all, she's not going to be called out at 12:30am to try to subdue someone, is she?


  1. Let me tell you a story about the naivety of the average magistrate.
    Years ago I waiting to give evidence in my local youth court (10-17) and I was patiently sitting at the back of the court.
    The magistrate ask me and my colleague to leave as the defendants who were on next (a remand hearing) felt our presence was intimidating.
    As we got up to leave these two hulking 17 year old's came in topless and rippling with muscles. They were on remand for several violent robberies in the 'hood. They were being "guarded" in an open dock by a single female prison officer who looked like she would fall over in a slight breeze.
    We were in the public lobby outside and heard a loud commotion. They had punched the guard and jumped over the dock and burst out of the court. My mate and I gave chase and after a violent scuffle we caught one but the other got away.
    We handcuffed him and took him back into the court. The magistrates had scuttled into their safe space and crept back into the court looking terrified.
    I said to them " I hope they don't feel too intimidated by my presence your worships".
    They didn't answer but they got my point.

  2. "I said to them " I hope they don't feel too intimidated by my presence your worships".
    They didn't answer but they got my point."

    Superb! You'd hope that the scales dropped from their eyes at future hearings, but sadly, probably not.
