Wednesday 19 December 2018

Well, What A Surprise!

Jamie Rigg had burst into his neighbour’s flat along with a 17-year-old friend while the occupant was asleep and assaulted and robbed him of his television, cash card, pet dog Frankie and two mobile phones.
Their victim was left so traumatised that he has had to move home but still feels unsafe and continues to suffer emotionally.
24-year-old Rigg, of Demesne Street, Seacombe, pleaded guilty to robbery and has been jailed for four and a half years.
His accomplice, who was living in Wallasey and cannot be named for legal reasons, denied the offence but was convicted after a trial and was sentenced to 18 months detention.
Which will of course be reduced by the time they've spent on remand, and them probably halved, because we don't have enough room in prison. So they are probably out already!
The court heard that Rigg only has one previous conviction for fare evasion but the youth has committed various previous offences including violence.
Their lawyers told how both had been disinhibited by alcohol and the teenager has ADHD.
Well I never! I'm shocked, SHOCKED!


  1. A home invasion, a double barrel shotgun would have solved the problem but that is not allowed for some strange reason.

  2. A few days at the range too, so you gon't go 50/50 like Tony Martin!
