Saturday 1 December 2018

Where's The Outrage And The Headlines? Where's The GoFundMe Page?

The attack, which was caught on the Canvey school’s CCTV system, showed the girl being grabbed by the throat and thrown to the ground causing her to bang her head.
She was taken to hospital as a precaution and now has to leave school early to avoid the bully.
Wait, what? Why is the bully still going to the same school? Why has she not been expelled?
The grandmother, who will remain anonymous, said in a letter sent to the school: “I feel I need to write this openly as I have no faith in your bullying and safeguarding policy.
“My 12-year-old granddaughter who is in Year Eight was openly attacked on Tuesday on the school premises by another student.
“At a recent meeting with the head of year and deputy head before the attack, my granddaughter stated she was afraid of this child and was being bullied. This was brushed off and it was suggested my granddaughter find new friends.
“The attack happened in the school and was recorded on their CCTV with a crowd of children watching.
“The bully grabbed her by the throat, threw her to the ground, hitting her head on the doorframe.”
Fortunately a friend in an older year was able to intervene.
The grandmother continued: “Since the attack, the school’s aftercare has been shocking. The bully was only suspended for three days even though this is not the first person she has attacked at school.
“The bully gets to come back like nothing’s happened while my granddaughter has to leave five minutes early every day to ensure her safety.
“What is more alarming is the school is taking no responsibility. In my eyes this is a total cover up and setting the example bullies don’t suffer consequences.”
Some do. Some get hounded out of the country by a media wolfpack. While the victim is feted.
An Essex Police spokesman confirmed the force was investigating.
Anyone with information should call PC Helen Harwood at Canvey police station on 101 quoting crime reference 42/169838/18 or visit or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
But surely the media has taught us that the right thing to do is express national outrage and shower the victim with riches.

Or is this case somehow different? 

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