Thursday 13 December 2018

Which Part Of 'Assistance Dog' Did Your Employees Not Understand?

Scott Robertson, who suffered spinal injuries while serving with the Royal Artillery in Afghanistan, said he felt “embarrassed and humiliated” by the incident, which took place at Asda in Bury St Edmunds.
Mr Robertson said upon entering the Western Way store on Tuesday with his assistance dog Rusty and partner and carer Hayley Andrews, a security guard shouted that dogs were not allowed in the supermarket.
The couple said they explained Rusty was an assistance dog, but the guard once again told them the dog was not welcome in the shop.
The security guard's a moron. Why is Asda hiring a moron?
Mr Robertson said that another member of staff at the store also told him to take Rusty out of the supermarket following the incident with the security guard.
Scratch that, why is Asda hiring two morons?
An Asda spokesman said: “We would again like to apologise to Mr Robertson. “This was a genuine error on the part of our colleague that they attempted to rectify with Mr Robertson at the time, but we entirely understand the upset this incident has caused.”
What sort of training do Asda staff get, then?

1 comment:

  1. "Why is Asda hiring a moron?"

    What else do we do with the morons? Would it be preferable for the morons to be in parliament running the country instead?

    Oh, wait...
