Thursday 17 January 2019

Am I Just Too Cynical?

A young mum has spoken of her horror after finding her beloved dog stabbed to death in her own kitchen.
Yorkshire Terrier cross Pippin was found lying in a pool of his own blood with stab wounds to his throat on Saturday evening. The savage killer broke into the home on Wilfred Street, Sunderland, and is believed to have fled the scene without stealing anything from the property.
How awful!
Mum-of-one Sophie left her home at about 12pm on Saturday and returned to feed her dogs just before 6pm.
Wait, 'dogs'..? Plural?
Calling out to her pets, alarm bells started ringing for the young mum when only Boxer Bull Mastiff cross Tia rushed to her feet.
Sophie stepped in to her kitchen to search for Pippin and discovered the 11-year-old's lifeless body.

So the tiny harmless animal was stabbed to death by the 'burglar', but the much bigger, capable of defending the house, animal wasn't..?
...the grieving mum-of-one no longer feels safe in her own home and is desperate to move to protect her son and Tia.
She added: “I don't know any of my neighbours and don't have any bother with anyone.
“Tia is scared to go outside.
“I'm looking to move. The killer has been in my property and could do it again."
Strange priorities.
Northumbria Police confirmed an investigation into Pippin's stabbing is under way.
One to watch!


  1. Cynics might say the dog died so she could get a new home

  2. I may be wrong on this, but don't canids typically go for the throat because that's the quickest way of taking down their prey?

  3. Let me get this straight: The large Boxer-Bull mastiff cross is "afraid to go outside"? something doesn't pass the smell test.

  4. "Cynics might say the dog died so she could get a new home"

    You might say that. I couldn't possibly comment... ;)

    "... but don't canids typically go for the throat because that's the quickest way of taking down their prey?"

    Actually, no. That's big cats. Canids often eat their prey alive.

    "...something doesn't pass the smell test."

    Like so many of these local newspaper stories.
