Thursday 24 January 2019


British far-Right extremists are broadcasting vile racist programmes on a sickening neo- Nazi radio station – but Government regulators are powerless to shut it down.
Oh noes! What are they saying?
...two years after the station was founded it was still broadcasting its sickening material last night – including disgusting claims that black people 'prefer witchdoctors' over hiring lawyers ...
Hmmmm. One wonders why the 'Mail' finds that so disgusting:
A woman tried to cast black magic spells on police and doctors after carrying out genital mutilation on her three-year-old daughter, a court heard.
The little girl's Ugandan mother, 37, and Ghanaian father, 43, allegedly enlisted a 'witch' to help them carry out the surgery at a filthy flat in east London.


  1. Such 'vile far-right propaganda' that The DM itself publishes a story confirming the veracity of the report.

    I wonder what might happen if any of the DM's journalism YTS trainees ever pass their eleven-plus.

  2. Still no prosecutions for fgm here. Either it just doesn't happen or it doesn't matter. Criticise it and have your collar felt.

  3. "I wonder what might happen if any of the DM's journalism YTS trainees ever pass their eleven-plus."

    I shouldn't worry about such unlikely events!

    "Still no prosecutions for fgm here."

    One now! Could this be the start?
