Friday 4 January 2019

They Have A Cunning Plan... stop Islam being associated with child grooming:
Serial killer Levi Bellfield was part of a child sex gang that has not been brought to justice, according to a council report.
The report, by Hillingdon Council in west London, looks at previously unreported links between Bellfield, whose victims include schoolgirl Milly Dowler, and a group of paedophiles accused of grooming at least 17 vulnerable girls under the age of 16 for sex.
The document, obtained by The Sunday Times, is by a senior social worker who specialised in child sexual exploitation and it has been handed to the Metropolitan Police.
It's brilliant! A pasty-faced white man! That'll..

Bellfield, who has converted to Islam and now calls himself Yusuf Rahim...
Curses! Foiled again!


  1. Hmmmmm.... so they're claiming that a convicted killer, previously thought to have been working alone, is actually part of a super secret paedio ring, and there's a video proving that, except no one can say where it is or even knows anyone who's seen it.

    Hey, isn't this the exact sort of thing that super smug Indy readers always used to sneer at as a conspiracy theory when it was coming from the right? Guess that makes them fellow knuckle-draggers too now.

  2. Wikipedia (citing the Guardian) claims he is of Romani descent. Really not helping their cause either.

  3. Several points...this vermin has converted to Islam because they get treated better than other religions.
    One of his victims-who survived-was my niece by marriage who was attacked with a hammer and nearly died. I hope he dies a long slow horrible death.

  4. The desperation of the élite to launder Islam would be quite risible, were it not so serious and dangerous.

  5. "Hey, isn't this the exact sort of thing that super smug Indy readers always used to sneer at as a conspiracy theory when it was coming from the right?"

    Heh! Spot on!

    "Wikipedia (citing the Guardian) claims he is of Romani descent. Really not helping their cause either."

    ROFL! The hits just keep on coming!

    "I hope he dies a long slow horrible death."

    Sadly, that's unlikely to happen, since the scum inside get preferential NHS treatment too... :/

    "The desperation of the élite to launder Islam would be quite risible, were it not so serious and dangerous."

    And futile, luckily. Don't forget that.
