Thursday 31 January 2019

When You're Desperate For Diversity...

When PC Kasra Rafeian applied to join Essex Police in April 2017 he included a reference purporting to be from his previous employer...
Well, what's so strange about th...
...the French Foreign Legion.
However it was alleged this reference was untruthful...
Imagine my shocked face!
He was also accused of lying in an interview about his application and when asked to provide handwriting samples as part of the investigation the panel found he had made an attempt to disguise his normal handwriting and frustrate that investigation.
A misconduct hearing was held at Chelmsford Civic Centre between from Tuesday to Thursday with a panel led by Independent Legally Qualified chair Neil Dalton.
The panel found all the allegations against PC Rafeian were proven and that he had breached standards of behaviour in relation to ‘honesty and integrity’ and ‘discreditable conduct’.
He was found guilty of gross misconduct and has been dismissed with immediate effect.
Well, he can still do his bit, I guess.

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