Sunday 27 January 2019

"Yes Sir, Would You Like A Grocer's Apostrophe With Those?"

A new shop opened up in Southend High Street just after Christmas. I really hope their cooking is better than their signwriting...


  1. About half the small garages around here offer MOT's...

    For goodness sake, how many Ministries of Transport are there, and what exactly do they own?

  2. Sorry to butt in again, but I'm reminded of a very good friend who was in the brewing business.

    He was such a stickler for good English, that if he ever saw an 'Off License', (n) he'd either ban them from his company, or storm in and complain in a very loud voice, usually waving his arms about, and being a general nuisance!

  3. "For goodness sake, how many Ministries of Transport are there, and what exactly do they own?"

    Ouch! That's pretty egregious. Surely it's on the official forms?

    "...or storm in and complain in a very loud voice..."

    Good man!
