Friday 8 February 2019

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor....What?



  1. This is proof of the old line about 'what do you call the guy who graduated bottom of the class from medical school'?


    Looks like grade inflation gets everywhere these days. I'm not even sure what 'the right food needs to be cooked' even means? Only food that needs to be cooked is the right food? Humans can't digest cold food? Or something else?

    On the plus side, I do understand that they've made great strides against obesity in Venezuela.

    The only thing we can really be sure of though is that the answer will not involve dealing with the absurdity of GPs having gold-plated pensions even though they're supposedly self-employed and paying them for seemingly everything that involves them uncapping a pen or getting out of their chair. They're the deserving rich, see?

  2. He seems to be suggesting that cheaper, healthier food works out more expensive in practice because you need to cook it. So poor people are forced to save money by buying expensive, unhealthy food and eating it raw. He then goes on to accuse others of having a low IQ.


  3. Managing diabetes is simple, and costs not a penny more than what a non-diabetic would spend on food, in fact probably less. It means managing (ie reducing) your carb intake, which in real terms means not stuffing your fat face with cake, bread and chips all day. Now if your diabetic thinks that it is its 'human right' to be able to buy the special 'diabetic food' so that it can eat [an approximation of] bread and cake all day, then yes its going to get expensive. But as the son of a man who was type 1 diabetic for 60+ years (and still is) I can honestly say he never ate a single special diabetic food at all, just managed his intake of normal food, especially carbs.

    What this doctor ought to tell his diabetic patients who claim not to able to afford a diabetic diet is 'Just stop eating so much lard arse!'.

  4. The unfortunately-named doctor would seem poorly educated - he must have missed all the dietary advice lectures when training.

  5. I am a type 2 diabetic and concur with Sobers' comment. Taking exercise is also important and by keeping myself fit and at my ideal weight I can allow myself a less restricted diet.

  6. Dr Finlay must be spinning ..

  7. "I'm not even sure what 'the right food needs to be cooked' even means?"

    Clearly, the heroic medic hasn't kept abreast of the latest fad for 'raw eating'...

    "He then goes on to accuse others of having a low IQ."

    Remember, what these people accuse others of, is often what they themselves do!

    "Managing diabetes is simple, and costs not a penny more than what a non-diabetic would spend on food.."

    That's not going to keep Dr Heald in freebies from medical companies, is it?

    "Dr Finlay must be spinning .."

    If we could hook him up to a generator, we could demolish a few wind farms!
