Friday 1 February 2019

Do, Or Do Not. There Is No 'Try'...

Cllr Darren Rodwell spoke out after the council received numerous complaints about overflowing bins and missed collections over the Christmas period.
Residents with missed collections can report the issue to the council and they will try and rectify the issue and Cllr Rodwell said the refuse team was doing the “best it can”.
It's clearly not good enough!
Explaining they had to pick up more than twice the waste it usually does and residents should have some ‘social responsibility’, he said: “I think the refuse workers did an incredible job over Christmas in difficult circumstances.
“They are doing the best they can.
“This week one of the rounds collected 28 tonnes of rubbish. That’s more than twice what they usually take and means several trips back and forth to the dump.
“I took nine bags to the tip myself. If you have a car and your bin is overflowing, instead of having a go at us, have a bit of social responsibility and take it to the dump yourself for free.”
Why? The residents pay the council for a service. They expect that service.

What do you think would happen if, on rocking up at the local train station with a pre-purchased ticket, Rodwell was told 'Sorry, we're a bit too busy, here's a bike, pedal to London instead'..?
“We have a situation in Barking and Dagenham where one in three properties belong to buy to let landlords,” he said.
“These homes produce two and a half times more rubbish than normal households, so our refuge collection system is already collecting the rubbish of a borough twice its size.
“At Christmas households produce three times more rubbish than usual. With the greatest respect there is just no way we can pick it all up in a week, especially when refuse workers need to have their days off as well. We do more collections than many other boroughs to cope.”
It's Christmas. It comes once a year, regular as clockwork. It's not a surprise.


  1. "So our refuge collection system"???

    Shurley Shome Misteak...

  2. Isn't it a shame that Christmas came completely out of the blue in that area, no warning to allow some prior planning.

    Other councils managed. Ours did.

  3. "one in three properties belong to buy to let landlords,” he said. “These homes produce two and a half times more rubbish than normal households"

    If they are producing more rubbish, it must be because more people are living there. A wonderfully efficient use of our island's limited space. Thanks private landlords!

  4. Obviously it comes as a total surprise to them that more rubbish is generated at Christmas every year than at other times. Presumably that concept known as "planning ahead" is unknown to them.

  5. HMO's which probably don't pay much council tax, then. Everyone suffers because of muh immigration.

  6. I contract out for my home disposal to a private refuse collector directly. If they told me to take my garbage to the dump myself I'd just contract with one of the other companies that do the same thing.

    I have no idea why people would think they need their government to provide such a basic service all by itself. Its not like, say, water, where multiple suppliers is difficult to manage.

  7. "Shurley Shome Misteak..."

    LOL! I totally missed that one! :D

    "If they are producing more rubbish, it must be because more people are living there."


    "Presumably that concept known as "planning ahead" is unknown to them."

    Well, it IS the public sector...

    "I have no idea why people would think they need their government to provide such a basic service all by itself. "

    The amount of flytipping I see suggests it's because these people don't see it as 'their responsibility'. Bet they know their 'rights' down to a tee though...
