Tuesday 26 February 2019

‘Violent And Rare’…?

DCI Sam Blackburn, of the British Transport Police, said: “This was a violent and rare attack, which took place on a late night train out of London.
Yes. Those hardly ever happen, eh?  Especially in Barking.
“Officers were on the scene within minutes and we are working hard to identify and trace the men responsible for this assault.
“We understand that this was a frightening incident for passengers on the train and at the station, and would encourage anyone who witnessed the attack or the moments leading up to it to come forward and tell us what they saw.”
And the oh so modern addition to this story:
The incident is not being treated as terror-related.
Why would a fight on a train ever be considered such..?


  1. "Why would a fight on a train ever be considered such..?"
    Despite the terror instilled in the victims, it can't be a terrorist attack because "it's their culcher, innit?" and a whole new level of paperwork would be needed.

  2. This sort of thing is less 'rare' in Barking and Dagenham since it was 'enriched' with the help of that borough's Labour council.

  3. The comment that it is not being treated as a terrorist attack says more about the race/creed/religion of the offenders much more than anything else. The likelihood of even identifying them, never mind arresting, charging, and getting them to trial, are as likely as Cressida Dick moonlighting as a pole dancer (yes, I know she's in charge of the Met and not BTP, but I would suggest the offenders reside in the diverse cultural paradise of Londonistan).

  4. "...and a whole new level of paperwork would be needed."

    They LOVE paperwork. It means they are safe inside the station while they do it.

    "This sort of thing is less 'rare' in Barking and Dagenham since it was 'enriched' ..."


    "...as likely as Cressida Dick moonlighting as a pole dancer..."

    *fetches mindbleach*
