Monday 25 February 2019

Why The Difference?

Karolina Valantiniene said her daughter, Viktorija Sokolova, had “many beautiful plans for the future” before she was killed.
Her victim impact statement was read by the prosecutor during the sentencing of Viktorija’s 17-year-old killer.
The boy, who cannot be named because of his age, has been detained for at least 19 years for the girl’s rape and murder in which he used "horrific levels of violence" before dumping her on a park bench.
And yet, an even younger killer was named...
The 16-year-old boy who raped and murdered Alesha MacPhail has a 'price on his head', a court heard.
Killer Aaron Campbell complained that he could be at 'risk of attack' or 'self-harm' in prison if he was named and pictured, his lawyer told the court.
The only real difference I can see is that one case is from Scotland.

Could there be something else we are all missing?


  1. It's at the judge's discretion Julia.

  2. I'm sure that wherever this piece of excrescence ends up. the other cons will be aware of who he is and what he's done. Convicts' treatment of rapists and kiddy-fiddlers might be harsh and illegal, but it's closer to justice than our ineffectual broken legal system.

  3. It's a Scooby Doo Mystery alright!

    Just like the mystery of why we've had any number of background articles on the 'dark side of life on the idyllic island of Bute' but this killer appears to have beamed down from the Mothership. No context required whatsoever.

    The real mystery though is this: why do the MSM think we're going to pay good money for their garbage when they not only passively accept outrageous rulings like this, but actually appear to enthusiastically censor these stories themselves.

  4. It's at the judge's discretion Julia.

    True. Plus names like Oogabunga Wagadongo and Shigadingi Oobalamba might be used to redpill the hatiest of haters.

  5. Its a measure of how far we have fallen that my immediate supposition is that the Scottish murderer was identified because he was white (and proves that it wasn't one of the authorities pet ethnic groups, and nasty old whitey is to blame again) and the reason the Wolverhampton murderer has been kept secret is that he is a member of one of the authorities pet ethnic groups.........

  6. Murderer Of No Appearance.

  7. "It's at the judge's discretion Julia. "

    It shouldn't be. They have far, far too much discretion, and they don't use it well.

    "Convicts' treatment of rapists and kiddy-fiddlers might be harsh and illegal, but it's closer to justice than our ineffectual broken legal system."

    Sadly true. The acid attacker of his own son will testify to that, I'm delighted to say!

    "Just like the mystery of why we've had any number of background articles on the 'dark side of life on the idyllic island of Bute' but this killer appears to have beamed down from the Mothership."

    That's what I was wondering too.

    "Its a measure of how far we have fallen that my immediate supposition is that the Scottish murderer was identified because he was white..."

    Spot on!

    "Murderer Of No Appearance."

    I need a new blog tag!
