Wednesday 20 February 2019

You Broke The Law, We'll Tell You Not To Break It Again...

Catherine Akehurst was killed when she was crossing outside her home in Old Shoreham Road, Hove in September 2017.
The 85-year-old had waited until a safe moment to cross, and had nearly reached the other side, but was hit by “idiot boy racer” Adrian Fasan in a Toyota Celica who was speeding at 45mph in a 30mph zone.  
Yes, It's taken 17 months to bring this case to trial. Truly, the wheels grind slowly in our 'justice system'.

And some may wonder if they are even turning at all.
Fasan, who had previous convictions for drink-driving and speeding, had been at a party the night before the crash, and admitted causing death by dangerous driving. He still had high levels of amphetamine in his system, and traces of cocaine.
He's going down for a long stretch, then?
At Lewes Crown Court the 40-year-old was jailed for five years and banned from driving for the next nine years.
He won't serve five years, nothing like it. And since speeding and drug driving are already illegal, what's the betting he ignore his ban when he is released?

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