Wednesday 13 March 2019

Clearly, It Was Not 'Your Approach'...

A Surrey County Council spokesman said: 'We are defending this claim, however we acknowledge this has been a very difficult time for Mr and Mrs Jones and their family.
'We place a high value on openness with all our foster carers, share information about any risks with them from the outset and continue to keep them informed. This was our approach with Mr and Mrs Jones.'
Pity you didn't tell them about the fact you'd asked them to foster someone who'd pledged allegiance to a terrorist organisation.

Slipped your mind, did it?


  1. He did pretty well to carry a 400lb shrapnel bomb onto a train, though.

    Or do Daily Mail subs think grammes and pounds are the same thing?

  2. "Surrey County Council did not reveal the dagner he posed" - do the computers given to the monkeys not have spellcheck on them?

  3. "He did pretty well to carry a 400lb shrapnel bomb onto a train, though."


    " the computers given to the monkeys not have spellcheck on them?"

    It appears they don't. Or perhaps they just don't know how to set it up?
