Monday 25 March 2019

I Can See Where They Get The Time To Do This...

A mother today threatened legal action against a south London primary school after she accused teachers of forcing her son to take part in an LGBT ‘Pride’ event.
Izoduwa Montague claimed Heavers Farm Primary School, South Norwood, failed to get her permission for four-year-old Izaiyah to become involved in a session called ‘Proud to be Me’ without her permission.
Now, if you're wondering how they have time for this, well, this picture from the 'Times' will give you a clue:
Future 'Daily Mail' copy editor!
School head Susan Papas said the focus on Pride and LGBT history was one of a number of themes studied by pupils each half term.
Other topics included black history, disability awareness and the environment.
But not spelling or writing in coherent English, which you might think was a bit more important...


  1. "But not spelling or writing in coherent English, which you might think was a bit more important."

    More important to you, me and (most of) the parents but not to Susan Papas and the rest of the staff. After all they've got careers to consider. Objecting to this crapola is career-destroying (cf for policemen objecting to endless hate-crime "investigations")

  2. "Now, if you're wondering how they have time for this, well, this picture from the 'Times' will give you a clue:"

    Not so fast Julia. From the comments from The Times...

    "Speaking as an ex-teacher of Year 1 and 2 children, I very much doubt the above sentence was written by a five or six year old. It looks as if it has been written by someone trying to mimic the phonetic spelling of a young child."

    That's the (currently) highest rated comment - there are a few more expressing this, most cynical, view of what might have happened...

  3. I wonder what the outcome of this is going to be for the Christian parents here? Will they have their views respected and their children not subjected to what is in effect LGB and T propaganda? Will the propaganda be stopped as it has been for Muslim parents in Birmingham?

    Neither of these outcomes will likely happen. What will be the most likely outcome is that the school, along with various lefty activists, scream 'bigot', 'bigot' at the parents and harass them, possibly using social services with which to do so, until the parents either crumble and go along with the propaganda or the parents move their kids to a school less afflicted by this BS

  4. Having read Huxley's "Brave New World" some 50 years ago (and re-read a few times since) I can see where this is heading - and the process behind it. It is most definitely not what the majority in this country want or approve of.

    Our elite would do well to mark the words in 1962 of one J F Kennedy; "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

  5. PJH

    That hadn't occurred to me but, looking at the picture again, I think you're right. The letters are too well formed and it's all too cutesy.

  6. "Objecting to this crapola is career-destroying..."

    And in the case of those cops busted for waving Pride flags outside the Sultan of Brunei's hotel, very confusing!

    "That's the (currently) highest rated comment - there are a few more expressing this, most cynical, view of what might have happened..."

    Haven't we all become so cynical because we are so often proved right?

    "I wonder what the outcome of this is going to be for the Christian parents here?"

    Me too.

    "Our elite would do well to mark the words in 1962 of one J F Kennedy; "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.""

    Spot on!
