Thursday 28 March 2019

I Think The Term You're Looking For Is 'Stone Liar', Your Honour...

Nazir was found guilty of being in charge of a dog dangerously out of control and perverting the course of justice today (March 19) following a trial at Cambridge Crown Court.
The court heard how Nazir was set to be sentenced in regards to two offences today. One relating to the injury and one relating to administration of justice. He was sentenced to 30 months in jail.
A pretty tough sentence for this sort of offence, given it was just another prospective dangerous dog owner injured, and not an innocent member of the public..
Talking about Mr Nazirs trial he said: "You and your family belong to the same community and Mr Hussain and his family. He said he has known you all his life.
"At your trial you said that was wrong and you didn't know him. It was found you were a person whose words are not to be relied on."
Gosh! Fancy that...

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