Friday 1 March 2019

Is Zimbabwe Stuck In A Time Warp?

On Monday, the Echo reported dozens of Zimbabwean asylum seekers had been summoned to Southend police station to be interviewed.
Campaigner Stanford Biti, who moved to Southend from Zimbabwe in 2006, said at the interviews, asylum seekers were made to fill out applications for Zimbabwe passports and photographed.
Since 2006? And he's never gone back?
“On average, most people have been here for more than 15 years. One man, who is 75-years-old and is well known in the community, has been here for 25 years.
“They have all fled in fear for their lives because of the political situation in Zimbabwe.”
It's not changed? At all?


  1. That really grips my shit. Comes to England because he's in fear of his life and needs the protection and hospitality of the British people, then becomes a 'campaigner'. No doubt campaigning for more free stuff for him and his ilk

  2. Dunking his head in boiling water would be a better choice than going back to Zim. Tourist packages to wildlife reserves are still running but that's just about the only thing in the country.

  3. Africa for Africans! I seem to remember.

  4. But I'm sure they love this country and are every so grateful to us.

  5. "No doubt campaigning for more free stuff for him and his ilk"

    How else to make England more like the country he fled..?

    "Tourist packages to wildlife reserves are still running but that's just about the only thing in the country."

    That won't last, when there's no more wildlife :(

    "But I'm sure they love this country and are every so grateful to us."

    Me too... ;)
