Friday 22 March 2019

Play Silly Games, Win Silly Prizes...

Luke Blackhurst, who was living in Sillwood Street, Brighton, had not been seen for a couple of days after he had been out with friends.
The opening of an inquest in to his death heard it was not unusual for the young man to take different drugs, including ketamine and morphine.
He was found dead in his home after a night out.
Another Darwin Award winner shuffles off this mortal coil...
The inquest heard Mr Blackhurst’s last activity on his laptop was searching the internet for the side-effects of eating out-of-date noodles.
His mother said she suspected the off noodles may have killed him.
Clearly, he got his street smarts from his mum!
Miss Blackhurst said her son had money stolen from his flat a week before his death and was concerned of a third party involvement.
A one-armed man, perhaps?
Ms Hamilton-Deeley said further enquiries will be carried out to address some of Miss Blackhurst’s concerns and Mr Pinder’s suspicions.
Sure, why not? It's only taxpayer money, after all.


  1. I am now awaiting the petition from the drug riddled cretins of Brighton to have "THE CONTENTS CAN KILL" stickers prominently displayed on all noodle products.
    I hope the poor man's family deleted his internet history. What street cred would he have had if it was know that, instead of surfing for porn, he was browsing Pot Noodles?

  2. Morphine and dodgy noodles- a deadly combination.

  3. "I hope the poor man's family deleted his internet history. What street cred would he have had if it was know that, instead of surfing for porn, he was browsing Pot Noodles?"

    That should form a part of 'Chavs! Things To Do When Your Relative Carks It!' handbook.

  4. I've read what u've written about my son's death and myself based on an article. I pay my taxes and tbh I don't think u realise I haven't talked to press atall about this. No one asked me. As a family we are going on what we've been told and tbh it's not a press free for all. My son is layng in a grave and would like to meet you to just have a chat about this. Let me know when your strong enough to actually come to my face and say this or maybe go through my lawyer. Either way I'm happy to meet you.

  5. U obviously think u know us Ur far mistake
    But happy to meet you.

  6. Uve enticed hatred to both myself and my kid and not contacted me once to find out who he is. How would u like it. I realise this blog has no empathy and is trying to upset me as a family member. But I'm Luke's mother

  7. Luke was a really good friend of mine he was a very decent person. Just because people take drugs doesn't mean they are bad or irresponsible people. It definitely doesn't give people the right to take the mickey for their personal kicks. Don't you have anything better to do? You don't know the guy whatsoever and you are in no position to judge. If you had walked a mile in his shoes i doubt you'd be so quick to say the things you've said. He deserves respect like everyone. I reckon you ought to take a good look at yourselves and evaluate why you feel the need to make jokes about somebody who is dead. What an upstanding member of society you must be. forshame

  8. "...and tbh it's not a press free for all."

    Actually, the press are indeed free to report on open court proceedings.

    "Uve enticed hatred ..."

    Did you mean 'You've'..? And 'incited'..? It's hard to tell.

    "Just because people take drugs doesn't mean they are bad or irresponsible people."

    Actually, it does. Especially when they then die through it. People like that deserve no respect.
