Saturday 23 March 2019

Taking Us For Mugs, With The Full Consent Of The State...

A couple with three children are desperate to move out of their “overcrowded” one bedroom flat.
Well, why did they move into it then?
The couple have lived in Poynings Drive in Hangleton since 2005, but their problems started when their first child, three-year-old Maryam, was born.
And it has got worse since their second and third daughters were born. The youngest, Hibba, is now ten months old.
So you knew you had no room, but kept having children? How is that the council's fault..?

How is that somehow the responsibility of the taxpayer..? Who is, after all, keeping you:
The family receives £176.05 per week from income support and £48.10 from child benefit per week. Mr Ishaq said rent is £76 per week which he gets in full from housing benefit so the income support and child benefit does not go towards rent, but he said he does have to pay council tax.
Currently the couple are unemployed, after Mr Ishaq suffered from a back injury in 2004 and Widad stays at home to look after the children.
Ah, the 'back injury'. Well, I suppose it's time to return to the classics. Clearly, 'mental health issues' have had their moment of fame.


  1. Ah, good, old fashioned, English names. If they are, as the names suggest, members of the RoP cult, which has a saying, "Allah will provide", they could always claim their benefits, and a larger property, from their place of worship, rather than the British taxpayer.
    Alternatively, as the man of the house is unemployed, there is no reason why some Common Purpose council can't find them a larger property in a cheaper part of the country, instead of one of the most expensive places in Britain. You can be unemployed in Bradford or Rotherham just as easily as Brighton and Hove.

  2. "The 56-year-old said:..."

    Bit late to be starting a football team, no?

    "Ten-month old Hibba sleeps with her mother Widad, 29, ..."

    The mother on the other hand.

    Now, doing a bit of maths, they started in 2005. He would have been 41, she, (generously,) 16...

  3. The comments are excellent. Brighton being a snowflake town as well

  4. I suppose it's too much expect that she goes out to work and he looks after the children?

  5. His back injury is obviously insufficient to handicap reproductive activity.

  6. They should move somewhere cheaper.

  7. "You can be unemployed in Bradford or Rotherham just as easily as Brighton and Hove. "

    Excellent idea!

    "Now, doing a bit of maths, they started in 2005. He would have been 41, she, (generously,) 16..."

    Those benefits of diversity again...

    "I suppose it's too much expect that she goes out to work and he looks after the children?"

    *sharp intake of breath* The very IDEA!

    "His back injury is obviously insufficient to handicap reproductive activity."

    I suspect the real reason is he just can't be arsed to get off it.

    "They should move somewhere cheaper."

    Somalia's VERY cheap...
