Tuesday 5 March 2019

They Don't Like It Up 'Em!

...predictably, some saw it as an opportunity to immediately flout the request and post disrespectful comments.
Oh noes! People have opinions!

Meanwhile, via Longrider:
For example, movie review website Rotten Tomatoes announced that it was switching off comments on the new Captain Marvel movie this week, over concerns that trolls planned to leave negative comments following remarks by the film’s star Brie Larson.
However, Dissenter users are already giving their opinions on the movie and Rotten Tomatoes decision.

Why the outrage? If Brie Larson has opinions, and a platform to express them, why shouldn't everyone else?


  1. “If Brie Larson has opinions, and a platform to express them, why shouldn't everyone else?”

    Something to do with equality.

  2. target of social media sleights

    Jesus Christ. These are the people who used to tell us that bloggers shouldn't be listened to because they were just dudes in their pajamas without real editors.

  3. The independent journalist Tim Pool has some excellent coverage of the way that the Left are trying to give this film cover by creating a narrative of 'the trolls are ruining the film'

  4. "Something to do with equality."

    My dictionary is clearly out of date! I must buy the new Woke Dictionary.

    "Jesus Christ. These are the people who used to tell us that bloggers shouldn't be listened to because they were just dudes in their pajamas without real editors."

    Journalism school too suffered from 'education, education, education'...

    "...by creating a narrative of 'the trolls are ruining the film'"

    It seems to be working, too!
