Sunday 17 March 2019

To Tow, Or Not To Tow, That Is The Question...

Well, it is at the 'Daily Mail', anyway, where the fine distinctions between a tow truck and a car transporter lorry are somewhat lost...

H/T: Stephen Brown via email


  1. To be fair tot he Mail, transport is not really their area of expertise. Of course they are far better at identifying the differences in cleavage between Kim Kardashian and Kelly Brook...

  2. In those Climate Change induced "Extreme" conditions anything more than a slight gradient will bring the transporter to a slithering halt and it will need towing, so the Mail might not be too far from the truth...

  3. Haven't read the full article in the Fail, but does it mention how much the 'tow truck' is worth?

  4. "...transport is not really their area of expertise. "

    Heh! Good point.

    "..anything more than a slight gradient will bring the transporter to a slithering halt and it will need towing, so the Mail might not be too far from the truth..."

    Well, a stopped clock, and all that!

    "...but does it mention how much the 'tow truck' is worth?"

