Wednesday 20 March 2019

"Won't Somebody Think Of The Children!" Part 78056

Ms Bardsley-Smith said: "I was amused at first but then I realised I found it annoying.
"It's not something you want to see at eye level when you are out shopping.
"There is a place and a time to be selling or buying things like that."
Ms Bardsley-Smith said: "There are a lot of families in the area. I wouldn't want my child to ask what it is.
"Thankfully I was on my own when I was out shopping. I would say it's insensitive.
"If they are going to sell things like that, they should be at the back of the store."
Knives? High in salt & sugar sweets?
Dozens of 'Bonkin' Bunny' vibrators were reportedly stacked between slinkies, Finding Nemo bath towels and sweetie-themed candles at the store in Tolworth, south London.
Oooh, matron!

1 comment:

  1. "Buzzing Easter Bunnies. Only a Fiver". What a bargain!
