Friday 26 April 2019

I Thought Ignorance Was No Excuse..?

Former Bournside School pupil Millie Bywater, 19 and Golden Labrador Quorn were told they were not welcome at Revolution in Bath on Saturday evening.
She had just arrived at the nightspot with her sister Jade and friend Lauren Clarke when the manager said dogs weren't allowed in the George Street premises.
Quorn is a guide dog.
Her mum Becky phoned the bar and she said the manager apologised, telling her he was going by what his previous boss instructed him.
So the previous management were also clueless?

Seriously, in this day and age, how can anyone be unaware of the laws permitting guide dogs entry?

"Yes, it's enshrined in your legislation, white devil..."

So maybe a few more prosecutions and a few less 'accepting apologies' is in order?


  1. Silly people
    If they didn't want to let the dog in, they should have just refused her entry without giving a reason. It's a licensed premises, so they can refuse entry to whoever they want, without having to give a reason

  2. It does make you wonder if they get ANY training at all, doesn't it?
