Saturday 20 April 2019

It'll Never Stop While You Indulge It...

An infant school has employed someone to change nappies because so many pupils are not toilet-trained, a councillor has said.
Chris Towe, Walsall Council's portfolio holder for education, said: "We are talking about five-year-olds here and it is not acceptable."
But it clearly is, or you'd say 'Nope! We aren't accepting this child. Bring it back when you've raised it to behave as a human being, not an animal'.

If you simply hire extra staff to do the job these lazy 'parents' don't do, then YOU are enabling it.
Head teachers had also raised concerns that school starters could not use cutlery or dress themselves. Mr Towe told the BBC he had spoken to the heads of 80 infant and primary schools and found the lack of basic skills to be a "massive issue".
"I was quite shocked really," he said. "If they haven't got basic skills, how can they be educated?"
They probably can't. It's clear their parents weren't, either.
"This cannot go on. If it doesn't stop it is going to get even worse."
I struggle to see how it possibly could...
The council plans to send letters informing parents of the skills children need and where they can get help.

Excuse me?
Diane Coughlan, a Labour councillor, said the borough had a lot of vulnerable families with a range of issues.
She said: "For many parents, school readiness is simply not a priority for them so apart from simply sending a letter what other support will they be given?"
They should have the children removed, and their benefits also, and a short - or long - stay in a workhouse. How about that?


  1. My part of the world there used to be a school readiness test eg able to sit still, hold a pencil, respond in whole sentences. If failed that child had to wait another year to mature and acquire these skills. No state sponsored baby sitting until a child can function in a classroom.

  2. A 'school readiness' test? No, not enough, a 'fit to be a parent test' with immediate neutering of those who fail it.

  3. "If failed that child had to wait another year to mature and acquire these skills. "

    I'd campaign for that here. As long as the 'parents' paid the price for fecklessness.

    "No, not enough, a 'fit to be a parent test' with immediate neutering of those who fail it."

