Wednesday 10 April 2019

Just As Useless North Of The Border...

Checkout operator Janice said: “I’m absolutely disgusted by the way the police reacted to be honest, they just washed their hands of it.
“We contacted them 7 times on the phone and went to Maryhill police station that night to warn them this dog was walking about off the leash and could kill someone but they didn’t seem bothered.
They'll change their tune if they ever have to kick down the door of the house where this beast lives, I expect.
“They called Robert last night to say they hadn’t even been in touch with the owner yet, which I think is terrible.
“We’re absolutely heartbroken but there could be other people at risk now.
“This guy is online boasting about his dog killing people, he shouldn’t be allowed to have pets.”
Given it's Police Scotland, you might have more luck getting them to act if you can find a post where he's misgendered someone...


  1. If they rang back and said, "don't worry, someone just shot it", there would be a million plod on the scene in seconds

  2. If it is possible under the circumstances, try a fire extinguisher, something I have used on a number occasions, as a Police officer, when dealing with vicious dogs. Foam in the eyes will cause stinging which can make the dog release it's prey, while a halon extinguisher stops it breathing. On those occasions, I was quite willing, but was never asked, to explain my actions. Having one in a car, or the kitchen, would only cost a few Pounds, and can also be useful in circumstances which do not involve a rabid dog.

  3. Useless Dicks.

  4. "If they rang back and said, "don't worry, someone just shot it", there would be a million plod on the scene in seconds"


    "If it is possible under the circumstances, try a fire extinguisher..."

    If it works in the circus when a tiger decides it's had enough of leaping through hoops, why not?

    "Useless Dicks."

    I don't think Police Scotland have a Cressida equivalent. Yet.
