Saturday 6 April 2019

More 'Benefits' Of Diversity Policies

Five people have been arrested after self-styled yellow vest protesters forced their way into a London coroner's court.
The group streamed their stunt live on Facebook as they stormed senior coroner Chinyere Inyama's office in Fulham, west London.
Were they protesting about the fact that this useless incompetent diversity hire is considered a 'senior coroner'..?
The protest related to the deaths of three teenage boys who were hit by a car as they walked to a 16th birthday party.
Ah. A very odd case indeed. Fahrenheit211 has more.


  1. There is definitely a lack of leadership now. The strong individuals are disillusioned about current policy and have left it to the uneducated to voice opinions with poorly organised demos. It comes down to money again and who would invest. A strong individual is needed with good connections. Such a person is playing hide and seek. Feral.

  2. Don't publish this.
    If you really want to get out of the Brexit mess it's really quite simple. Just get the PM to promise to do something about the influx of foreign people coming here both legally and illegally and cast another vote. It's all that's bothering the British public. We feel like foreigners in our own country. And no I am not racist. F x

  3. Ps. By the foreign people here legally I mean the unskilled workers. Professional people are welcome.

  4. Bloke in Germany7 April 2019 at 16:15

    Yes, foreign professionals are always welcome, aren't they. Good for professionals to be exposed to the full force of global competition because it makes professionals cheaper (paid less). But the unskilled are somehow deserving, for reasons that are never spelled out, of protection from that full force of global competition.

    I wonder what could possibly account for this differential treatment?

  5. If you must know, the Brits have their pride. When you are asked to shovel shit by your boss you do so but you should also get the proper pay for doing so. It shouldn't be a case of if you don't do it I will find someone who will undercut you. This is a typical example of hiring the unskilled foreign workers that earn what is regarded as peanuts here who send their wages back to their own country and is a fortune there. The unskilled should not be used for slavery. You are right that I have not had the fortune to go to university but I have been an employer that paid above the going rate and didn't threaten my staff with dismissal every five minutes. Not everyone is able to become a professional. So I regard your comment as pompous. Feral

  6. Bloke in Germany8 April 2019 at 10:39

    So it's OK for the employers of professionals to find someone cheaper to undercut them?

    Got it.

  7. I never said that. It depends on how much is being paid to the professional.

  8. "The strong individuals are disillusioned about current policy and have left it to the uneducated to voice opinions with poorly organised demos."

    Modern times, eh?

    "If you really want to get out of the Brexit mess..."

    Errr, no. I want to get out of the EU mess!

    "I wonder what could possibly account for this differential treatment?"

    Me too!

    "So it's OK for the employers of professionals to find someone cheaper to undercut them?"

    Pay peanuts, get...?
