Tuesday 2 April 2019

What's Missing From This Story..?

Most of the tabloids are running this story today, with the focus on the Air Ambulance's intervention that prevented loss of life.

But what's not mentioned is any police action against the dog's owner. Is that because there wasn't any?

Can that really be true?


  1. Why no police action?
    First, it's a "rescue dog" so who knows who owned it or what history it has?
    Secondly Sue Scarlett was cleaning its kennel cage so volunteered to be close to the animal.
    Accordingly, she must have (or should have) known she was taking a risk. After all a 14-stone dog isn't exactly easy to deal with if it turns nasty.
    It seems from the report that the police were called and actually turned up. Fortunately this isn't a hate crime: apparently there are no protected classes involved: no travellers, no Moslems, no tranzies. Accordingly, the police can use the remnants of its collective common sense and forget this one. Mind you I'm surprised the RSPCA hasn't made an appearance . .

  2. I may be doing the lady an injustice, but it looks, from fairly careful reading, as if she WAS the owner, having rescued the beast. One to watch...

  3. Oh, I see. The dog was one of at least eight owned by her friend. A friend close enough that she gave a week's leave to help them with their dogs. Stupid dyed hair, moronic close friend with excessive number of dogs. It's all starting to add up to an "oh dear, how sad, never mind" vibe in this neck of the woods. Again apologies to her if I've done her an injustice but that's how it looks, isn't it?

  4. 'Can that really be true?'

    Having found his niche wasting plod time and our money, the filth like nothing better than a packet of free doughnuts whilst provoking a granny motorist into an insane car chase.

  5. MTG using the word "insane" is delicious irony.

  6. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that the dog had been imported. The irony is that some animal rescues (not all, some are inundated with local animals, its quite regional) are actually importing rescue dogs from other EU countries to the UK. One in my home town was doing that (and presumably still is) as a friend had a dog from them that had come from Spain. And surprise surprise it bit her husband........


  7. Your monotonous insult would be a constant disappointment had I ever been tempted to believe any of your foolish claims to be 'educatid', Jaded. Your mental activities are limited to mimicry, mediocrity and predictability. Had you the wit to appreciate it...you might envy my 'insanity'.

  8. Does nursey know you're on the internet again Melvin?

  9. That short, clean joke gets a laugh from me every time, Jaded. Not because it is funny but because you are at your wit's end and it wasn't a long journey.

  10. "It seems from the report that the police were called and actually turned up."

    And stood by while a vet was called. Why not an ARV and shoot the thing there and then?

    "...but it looks, from fairly careful reading, as if she WAS the owner.."

    No, it appears she was doing a friend a favour. Let that be a lesson!

    "Stupid dyed hair, moronic close friend with excessive number of dogs. It's all starting to add up to an "oh dear, how sad, never mind" vibe..."

    Spot on!

    "I wouldn't be surprised to discover that the dog had been imported. "

    Me neither. I have a post coming up about that...
