Wednesday 15 May 2019

*Looks Up The Word 'Serious' In The Dictionary*

Kosar Othman Mohammed, 39, of Cranemoor Close, Birmingham, and employee Karwan Kamil Salh, 19, of Livingstone Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, pleaded guilty to charges of sale and possession for sale of illegal and counterfeit tobacco at Europe Quality Food in Brookend Street, Ross-on-Wye.
Trading Standards seized about 31,000 illegal foreign non UK-duty and counterfeit cigarettes.
Magistrates viewed the matter as serious...
Well, yes!
...and handed down community penalties to Mohammed and Salh of 240 and 180 hours unpaid work respectively. Both men were ordered to pay £983 each in costs.
A fraction of the tax they evaded. One wonders what they'd have got if the magistrates didn't view it as 'serious'...?

H/T: Fahrenheit211 via Gab


  1. Wow. I'm surprised. Usually the Stasi comes down hard on anyone who does anything against them. If they are starting to get lax here then that really is a change. Crime is starting to look more attractive to all.

  2. I would suggest that HMRC will look closely at these two and, bearing in mind the tax office can go back 8 years, wonder if huge bills for unpaid tax and duty will come their way? If so, couldn't happen to a nicer pair.

  3. "If they are starting to get lax here then that really is a change. Crime is starting to look more attractive to all."


    "I would suggest that HMRC will look closely at these two..."

    You'd hope so, wouldn't you?
