Wednesday 8 May 2019

"Neighbours, everybody loves good neighbours..."

The neighbour of a business leader has admitted he was behind the brutal attack that left him in hospital for several weeks.
Shahed Mahmood was rushed to hospital in a critical condition after he was punched by Mohammed Shazad Akram following a row over a parking space.
It's the Religion of Peace, don'tchaknow...
Defending the 28-year-old, Simeon Evans said: “There was an argument – Mr Mahmood had come to the defendant’s house to deal with an issue to do with parking.
“As my client tried to usher Mr Mahmood away, he [Mahmood] made a very hurtful and upsetting comment about his dead brother.
“The two males were standing very closely together and Mr Akram believed that Mr Mahmood was going to move his arm towards him. He then struck one blow to Mr Mahmood’s face.
“I have to accept that there are aggravating features in this case – the location of the offence, the ongoing effects on the victim, and the presence of other people in the area.
“But he has no previous convictions, it was a single blow and he has shown evidence of remorse.”
Hah! As if that'll wor...

Judge Sara Dodd commented on the neighbourly dispute, saying that both involved parties were ‘probably thoroughly good men’.
Akram pleaded guilty to inflicting GBH and was released on conditional bail. He will be sentenced on June 12.


  1. As Akram will receive either community service (which he probably won't do on religious or cultural grounds), or a suspended sentence, I would suggest a suitable punishment would be for him to have to pay for the medical bills or receive a custodial sentence. Won't hold my breath though.

  2. What have you done to the links bar. I liked the way it displayed new posts and I used it as a jump off point. Now I just get the feeds. Are you keeping this new format?

  3. I can't help but wonder if the defendant wasn't a 'Roper' if such a lenient and indeed laughable sentence would have been imposed. GBH is a serious offence and especially so when it lands the victim in hospital for weeks. I suspect that this is yet another example of Muslim offenders being treated more leniently than those of other communities. After all, a policing and justice system that turned (and probably still does) a blind eye to the phenomenon of Islamic Sex Crime, is not going to baulk at letting a Roper walk are they?

  4. Hi Lord T: I've just been told this by someone else, but it appears fine for me in Chrome. I've checked it out in MS Edge & IE, and it's behaving normally in those too.

    What browser are you using?

  5. "I would suggest a suitable punishment would be for him to have to pay for the medical bills..."

    Good idea!

    "...if such a lenient and indeed laughable sentence would have been imposed. "

    Well, to be fair, with our laughable 'justice system', probably it would!
