Monday 6 May 2019

Signing His Death Warrant With His Birth Certificate...

Earlier, Tyereece's (Ed: *rolls eyes*) mother paid tribute to her only child in a statement read by coroner Dr Shirley Radcliffe at Inner West London Coroner's Court.
Remember when you 'paid tribute' to someone who'd achieved something in life?

Rather than someone who ended up in a puddle of their own blood on the street when their attempted robbery went wrong?
Samantha Cohen quietly wiped away tears as her statement recalled how her son was a "brilliant" footballer and Chelsea fan, who was also scouted by the Royal Ballet.
Good at maths and spelling...
He'd need to be, just to sign his name!
...he loved to read and was able to "instantly connect" with people he met.
He sure 'instantly connected' with the police car chasing the getaway moped he was riding!
He dreamt of becoming a famous footballer, seeing the vocation as a way of providing for his family, and wanted to get a tattoo reading "Family First" when he turned 18.
Well, 'Safety First' would have been an unfamiliar concept...
She said: "His family brought him so much joy, and I loved that this was the case."
The pair moved to Croydon from north London after she became concerned that he had "fallen into the wrong crowd".
And he just happened to find a new 'wrong crowd' to fall in with in Croyden! Gee, what are the odds..?
She said: "He was wise beyond his years. I was proud that my son made time for other people, listened to their problems and shared advice."
Advice on what to do if pursued by the police? Hmmm. I wouldn't take it, if I were you.
She added: "It's difficult for Tyereece's family to equate the child we knew at home with who he could be in the world outside."
That's because you never cared enough to ask what he was doing when he was outside. Maybe if you had, you'd still have a son.


  1. On the bright side, she doesn't have any other children and there's no mention of the loved one having procreated.

  2. Sad there's a loss of life, but if you dance with the devil...

  3. As someone said in the comments, and echoing my thoughts; "Aspiring footballer / ballet dancer". Makes a change from aspiring rapper I suppose.

  4. Congratulations grandad. A unique child. Much love. Fx

  5. Robert the Biker6 May 2019 at 17:55

    Three splatter-monkeys wiped out on a stolen scooter (not a moped FFS)
    Chased by police after being caught out on the rob and THEY ran into the police car, not the other way round. One at least less on the benefit rolls, because all these 'footballers' and 'ballet stars' turn out to be so successful don't they? Bollocks to mum too, the little shit was this way because he was RAISED this way, also, where's dad in all this?

  6. @Robert the biker.
    Your comment is a bit harsh. Not every child is privileged to come from a respectable background. It's all very well blaming the parents, but it sounds like this mother needed help with her family. We should not be so quick to judge. There are many teens that get in trouble but they are not all little shits. This boy was just unlucky.

  7. Knowing Croydon as well as I do I find it hilarious that someone would move there to get away from gangs and crime !!!

  8. "Unlucky" is slipping on a banana skin in the High Street. "Unlucky" is not being criminal scum, being in a gang, going three up on a stolen moped and doing robberies.

  9. "On the bright side, she doesn't have any other children..."


    "Makes a change from aspiring rapper I suppose."

    They're having to get pretty creative with more than just names now!

    "Three splatter-monkeys..."


    "There are many teens that get in trouble but they are not all little shits. This boy was just unlucky."

    Society got lucky, when he was removed from it.

    "Knowing Croydon as well as I do I find it hilarious that someone would move there to get away from gangs and crime !!!"

    Yes, that was a bit of a 'huh?' moment...
