Monday 3 June 2019

And When You Still Don't Get The Viewers?

David Baddiel and Frank Skinner’s football song Three Lions has been rewritten as a feminist anthem to cheer on England’s women team in next month’s World Cup.
It'll take more than that to make it popular...
The theme of the reworked tune swaps low expectations about the England men’s team with sexist attitudes about women’s football in general.
The lines “That England’s going to throw it away, gonna blow it away” are replaced with “That we don’t have the skill in their eyes. Well we’re tired of the lies”.
And “All those ‘well done girls’” replaces “oh-so-nears” as the source of wearing down England supporters.
It's the supporters you need onside. Preaching at them isn't going to do it, even if it's set to a catchy beat.


  1. "But the names, and footage involved, have been switched. Substitutions include Jade Moore for Bobby Moore; Nikita Parris for Gary Lineker; Steph Houghton for Bobby Charlton, and Jordan Nobbs for Nobby Stiles."


  2. All pretty harmless as far as I can see, let them have a women's version of the song. I quite like watching women doing sports actually but probably not for the right reasons.

  3. I've always (since when I were a lad) found football to be about as interesting as an ingrowing toenail. Even a team full of tantalising totty doesn't increase its appeal.

  4. The propaganda for men's sport played weakly by women is inescapable. I expect it from the BBC and Guardian but The Times and Telegraph weigh in there with misleading headlines about "World Cups" which - when you turn to the reportage - concerns 5th rate football played in empty stadia. It's the same family of woke insistence that you believe 2 + 2 = 5 and a that a man with a beard + meat and 2 veg but wearing a skirt is a woman because he says so.

    Womaen's soccer is fine if, similarly, you turn out to support your son's school's soccer team of a Sunday morning. The local comp's first team won't defeat Manchester City but no-one sane would believe it could. In the same way I suspect that the local comp's first team could defeat England Women at Wembley without breaking sweat - not that the sport media will admit it.

  5. Umbongo

    Googling "women's football embarrassing defeats" is instructive. The USA women's team - world champions - were thrashed by a boys under 15 team.

  6. "Matron!"


    ""Three Lions on a Bird"?"


    " I quite like watching women doing sports actually but probably not for the right reasons."

    Beach volleyball? Hey, there's even something for the ladies!

    "Even a team full of tantalising totty doesn't increase its appeal."

    Yeah, you might well be disappointed on that front...

    "The propaganda for men's sport played weakly by women is inescapable."

    Yup! The Google Doodle has been stuck on it all last week.
